Aye when you got that fire in your belly warming your ole black magic spirit for one more dance, why the HELL not friend?
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@dizzums What?!why because airguns make sense on every level .. younger people live in movie fantasy land where everything is loud, dangerous, and the singular goal is impressing chasing tail lol ..
Yep, wish I still had those catalogs. Could not afford the R1, but did try every pellet. Silver jets were reserved for the long shots, tried to keep them separated in my Beeman pellet pouch.As I read more of this thread... Those Memories come Flooding Back!!
So to show your Age.... How many of your Grew up Reading every page and waiting by the mailbox for the Next issue.....
What I am talking about is the Beemans Catalog..
So my first True Pellet-gun was a Sheridan BlueStreak.
So Dr Beeman Pushed the envelope and stature to the lowly .20 Cal...
He sold this magic Pellet call the Silver Jet.... It did shoot well out of my Sheridan.
Within in those pages was the first Holy Grail of hunting airguns... the FWB 124D..
Then Came the R1 and Crow Magnum(Theoben Eliminator).... Finally There was this new thing called a PCP...
They Marketed the Theoben Rapid... As the Super7, Super12, and finally the Super12 MKII....
Once I saw this I was hooked...But It took me awhile to wait for the Theoben Rapid MKII to make it over here....
I remember saving my money for the next magic box of pellets.. then my next Airgun....
So many memories!!