Discretionary income!My wife asked me this morning. She's really surprised at the number 65+ year olds who've gotten into airguns. She spoke with a friend that she'd not been in contact with for a long while. Friend happens to mention that her husband is off on a new obsession with air powered guns! For me, a big part of it was the evolution from guns like the old Crosman 760 pumpers that were never much better than "hit & miss" to guns we have today that can stack pellets at previously unheard of distances. I got into it 5 or 6 years ago & have been obsessed & addicted ever since. One thing, I too have noticed, is the inordinate number of older guys who comprise the forums I've been on. Yeah, it's kind of like a second childhood for sure but there are MANY other reasons & dimensions to the equation. Being 95% retired leaves a lot of idle hours to be filled but that's a very small part for me. Mostly, the deeper I get into this the MORE there is to learn & enjoy. I could probably fill a page here with all the GOOD I've gained by becoming involved but still ask myself "why at this age? Why not when I was younger?" It's a valid question but I can't seem to be able to answer it myself. How 'bout you other old farts?
BTW, I turned 70 this past February but I still move & have the eyesight of a younger man. Thank God for good genes & playing drums for 60 years. (Counteracted all the crap I did to myself when younger & stupider)
It wasn't all guns, I'm including 3 compressors, 2 hand pumps, 3 air tanks at least 10 scopes and thousands in pellets. Worth every cent for mental health. When looking thru my scope, finger on the trigger, everything bad in our screwed country is oblivious to me.I think I should show that post to my wife —
as an introduction to "the talk" —
the talk in which I propose to buy a cheap used Prophet Compact .30cal...!)
I started airgunning much later in life than so many here... — I doubt I can spend $30,000 on airguns before I kick the bucket.
Well said. Too bad we cant know when Our deaths will come so we can make sure we are penniless the day we die!A man have two choices with his wealth. Spend it like a drunken sailor or leave it to ungrateful kids. Back to the net looking for airgun bargains.
Same here on the RC planes, racing quads, and helicopters. All of these "toys" seem to go together!Good post. I am only 52, so not old yet. But I have taken up, or continued many childhood hobbies as a grownup. Flying RC planes, have never stopped playing computer games. And also have recently built a virtual pinball cabinet, as I liked to play pinball in my youth. Think maybe when you are in the 20's many prefer powder burners because of hunting, and the much bigger power. After being in milllitary, and never being a hunter, airguns just apeal more to me.