"What IS it with you old guys "?

I guess I'm just an old soul here then. Only 48 but not much interest in powder. Air is where it's at for me. Must have something to do with being an NYC kid growing up in Brooklyn in the 70s and 80s. This was a way different time and cap guns leading to air pistols was about as far as it ever went. I had no major introduction to powder until I went to sleep away camp way in the woods and got to shoot 22LR. I shot a bunch of PB in Illinois in college in the Urbana-Champaign area, but then living back in the NYC area restricted all of that.

It wasn't until I moved to the burbs of NYC that I discovered real airguns and that been enough for me. No gateway drug to PBs, just a ton of fun with air that is legal in my basement, in my backyard, at the range. Why deal with the hassle of powder when air is free and plenty powerful enough.
Okay I'll jump in. I'm just a couple of months shy of my 75th birthday. The best advice that I can give is to stay active, physically and mentally. I've only been into air rifles for about 5 years; I've enjoyed every minute of it and I intend to keep doing so. You may need to make some adjustments as you age but don't let age stop you from doing what makes you happy.
why because airguns make sense on every level .. younger people live in movie fantasy land where everything is loud, dangerous, and the singular goal is impressing chasing tail lol ..
@dizzums What?! 😂😂 I got a good laugh here. That’s some of what they’re supposed to do, I mean it’s expected. When you respond at least I know it’s going to be interesting and/or entertaining. 😅
I only saw one age older than me, 78. I'll be 77 next Haloween. I got my first good air rifle, a FWB 24 back in the early winter months of 1975, and a FWB 300s about ten years later, I shot them off and on for years, finally stopping. My young grandson expressed an interest so I pulled the 24 out for him to shoot when he was about 9, and found the piston seal had crumbled, so missed out lettting him shoot it that thanksgiving, sent it off for a reebuild.. Since then I built up several of the Crosman 24xx type CO2 pistols, one rifle and he wanted one so built him one with a good trigger, transplanted a 1701p trigger into it along with the proper hammer and gave it to him last Christmas. Over the last 18-24 months my springer stable has grown, Hw 35e, 77, 97kt, a couple of 57's , Air Arms 200, and Prosport, anf ffinally a Diana 54 Air King Pro. Pistols are Air Venturi 46m, Hw 45, and 75 and some of the Daisy 747 and 777 single stroke pneumatics which I have rebuilt. I have a couple of the more basic Daisy 777's out in my shed to be rebuilt for the son and grandson so they can shoot together, but am recovering from a hand injury that makes handleing small parts difficult, so that will have to wait a while.
Three things prompted me to return to air guns big time. Ammo was getting expensive and often hard to find, especially in our small town. The nearest range where I have an annual membership is 50 miles one way and fuel for my diesel truck got very expensive, plus a few minutes over an hour one way . I have a little range set up in my back yard, a heavy duty steel pellet trap on a sawhorse, and little stone pavers set in the yard at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 meters. I can step out the back door, shoot a few shots and if too hot or cold duck back inside, get comfortable and go back out and shoot some more.
As I read more of this thread... Those Memories come Flooding Back!!
So to show your Age.... How many of YOU Grew up Reading every page and waiting by the mailbox for the Next issue.....
What I am talking about is the Beemans Catalog..

So my first True Pellet-gun was a Sheridan BlueStreak.
So Dr Beeman Pushed the envelope and stature to the lowly .20 Cal...
He sold this magic Pellet call the Silver Jet.... It did shoot well out of my Sheridan.

Within in those pages was the first Holy Grail of hunting airguns... the FWB 124D..
Then Came the R1 and Crow Magnum(Theoben Eliminator).... Finally There was this new thing called a PCP...
They Marketed the Theoben Rapid... As the Super7, Super12, and finally the Super12 MKII....
Once I saw this I was hooked...But It took me awhile to wait for the Theoben Rapid MKII to make it over here....

I remember saving my money for the next magic box of pellets.. then my next Airgun....
So many memories!!

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As I read more of this thread... Those Memories come Flooding Back!!
So to show your Age.... How many of your Grew up Reading every page and waiting by the mailbox for the Next issue.....
What I am talking about is the Beemans Catalog..

So my first True Pellet-gun was a Sheridan BlueStreak.
So Dr Beeman Pushed the envelope and stature to the lowly .20 Cal...
He sold this magic Pellet call the Silver Jet.... It did shoot well out of my Sheridan.

Within in those pages was the first Holy Grail of hunting airguns... the FWB 124D..
Then Came the R1 and Crow Magnum(Theoben Eliminator).... Finally There was this new thing called a PCP...
They Marketed the Theoben Rapid... As the Super7, Super12, and finally the Super12 MKII....
Once I saw this I was hooked...But It took me awhile to wait for the Theoben Rapid MKII to make it over here....

I remember saving my money for the next magic box of pellets.. then my next Airgun....
So many memories!!

Yep, wish I still had those catalogs. Could not afford the R1, but did try every pellet. Silver jets were reserved for the long shots, tried to keep them separated in my Beeman pellet pouch.
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I won't be surprised if someday, someone studying the human genome discovers a gene which pre-disposes us to be this way, figuring Natural Selection favored the caveman who armed himself to protect/provide for his family, as opposed to the one who didn't. Looking back thru history, it just seems like a guy thing to do. Not implying were still trying to provide/protect anyone, just that something just "clicks" and feels right about this hobby. WM
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I am 62. I grew up hunting and shooting and was an avid shooter until about 7 years ago. The flame just died or some unknown reason. I went back to archery and still enjoy it a lot. Found air guns earlier this year and now have the bug bad.
I am no longer raising kids or any other expensive duty. I have money to spend on air guns and if I had to I could liquidate all the powder burners that are gathering dust and convert that to more air guns or projectiles.
Being old, having everything paid off and nobody to worry about is down right pleasant. May as well enjoy it as much as you can or as long as you can
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Got into air about ten years ago because there is less noise, when you tell peeps that you shoot air rifles, they hear "BB Guns" and don't get all wonky on you. Cheap (relatively) ammo, great to gather a few buddies to shoot air and the $hit without ear protection. Many more areas available to shoot because there is less 'range' using a pellet versus a bullet powder burner, plus since they're quiet, no one complains on your permissions. When asking to pest a farm, and showing an air rifle to do so, the owner is much more receptive to allow pesting....it's a BB gun!
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I just went to my first Field Target shoot over the weekend, and as a 35 year old, I think I was the youngest one there out of probably 20+ people. A couple guys might have been around my age, but the majority were 55+
And yes, almost all of them shot better than me, lol.

Gotta see if I can convince a buddy or two to get into it, get some young blood into the sport so you old guys have more people to embarass ;)
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I just always had a fascination for hurling projectiles. When I found my dads stash where he hid his wrist rocket I was in heaven. As I got older I found out I could hit things just by throwing things at them. I used to be able to flatten a fly on a wall with a stress ball hurled at it. In my stupid days I opened up a guys chin by hurling a half full coors can at him from 25’ away, lol.
Got into pellet guns with my first Crosman pump up, now I can hit things at longer distances. I, too, fell in love with the Beeman line up and it didn’t help that his shop was only 2.5 hours away. Bought an R10 177 then later an RX 20 cal.

Put away the Airguns for powder burners as I started hunting, then fell for the whole precision reloading thing. It was the use of the specialty tools used in reloading that would later on just add on to my fondness of pcp’s.

My physical ailments caused me to stop going to the centerfire ranges cause all the gear required just made it too hard, but I missed shooting. It took a few of Ted Biers videos and I was hooked. Bought a marauder, a Hatsan bully, then all fx after that and one LCS. So now I can shoot from home in complete privacy, for as long as I want, and service my own equipment. Serving 35 years as a tradesman, I am quick to understand the functionality of moving parts, so working on these are no big deal

To this day, Batman fascinates me Everytime he uses his rope gun to make an escape, especially since it’s probably air powered, lol.

But the old guy thing? Why pcp’s now? If I would’ve known about them back in my late 20’s when the Rapid 7 came out, i couldn’t afford them. Heck, what 20 something year old guy today could?

I had a son on the way, and years later with private school for him yeah no way for luxurious toys such as pcp’s back then. It was all about providing for the family and do whatever it took to stay working
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