What is one gun you never want to get rid of?

You know what I have actually wondered about these guns for some time now. They seem to be very high quality from what everyone says. I may do a little research on what kind of power they put out. The atomic xr is so sexy!! This is very close to what my ideal truck gun would look like. Is it in 25 cal? And how much fpe are you getting from this? I see brk compared to fx a lot
Mine is in .22, the platform really shines in .177 and .22, my .22 sends CPHPs at 725 FPS, for 17 FPE, I get 30 shots from a full fill… In .25 its under powered and the shot count low.
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My dreamline. My first real higher end PCP. And I believe I was extremely lucky getting a "good one. Not one issue have I experienced. No dreaded "FX POI shift" no failures, the gun is butter smooth, the gun is simple to work on, the gun is very accurate and has more than reasonable power. I know that no matter what I can pull this one gun out and reliably hit my prey and hit it where I want. She's not food picky at ALL. AEA, FX,AA, JSB, JTS, HN Slugs, zan slugs, VK or AVS and it's hole on hole. The gun is solid. Not once do I regret the choice.

When I first got it as a tube gun

Then slapped on a bottle kit, plenum. Disappointingly I didn't transfer more pics into this new phone. Now has a carbon fiber bottle. Dual plenums and a different bipod, grip, scope, stock and internals.

IS NOT ammo picky.
Really? A springer? What do you ride your bicycle to and back from work? lolol
I am probably getting rid of all my pcp's this year , maybe (just maybe) i might keep the USFT maybe .
might keep it if i can get it tuned to around 9 or10 FPE . It is sitting up @ 19 FPE now and was used in Field target
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I've already said that about several guns that I've since gotten rid of. Tastes change. Still have a few more to throw on the chopping block, I think.
But in the spirit of the question, I'll say that I acquired an early DAQ many years back. Serial number 56. Back then, they were .490. This one had been sent back to Dennis for upgrading to the newer bore and some other upgrades. I'd be hard pressed to give that one up, though at first glance it seems nothing special.
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Ok so this is one of those guns that always looked extremely appealing to me. I notice it is very popular as well. The price point made me wonder what is so exceptional about it though. Ik it doesn’t put out much power. Is it just the trigger and accuracy that makes it so pricy? Always been curious about this gun
I have one made for me in .177. It’s fun using it in 100 yd competition. The shooters using.30 cals take notice.
Thinking through this question and my current guns and I keep ending up with "but I use that one for x" or "that's the one that son uses when we're all shooting together."

For me, there isn't a one gun that fits my various airgun uses. IE, if I stopped shooting AAFtA style field target I could downsize a bit. Or if I quit shooting long range prairie dogs I could downsize. Or if I no longer shot in my garage on cold dark winter nights... Or if I no longer shot long range/high power field target... Or if I decided to not compete in the pistol class at AAFtA matches a couple times a year I could get rid of the pistol. Etc.

So, no, sorry. Can't currently justify getting it down to one. Essentially, the ones I have are all use-specific. And the little bit of overlap that I've got is so that me and my two sons can all shoot together without passing the same gun around.
Thinking through this question and my current guns and I keep ending up with "but I use that one for x" or "that's the one that son uses when we're all shooting together."

For me, there isn't a one gun that fits my various airgun uses. IE, if I stopped shooting AAFtA style field target I could downsize a bit. Or if I quit shooting long range prairie dogs I could downsize. Or if I no longer shot in my garage on cold dark winter nights... Or if I no longer shot long range/high power field target... Or if I decided to not compete in the pistol class at AAFtA matches a couple times a year I could get rid of the pistol. Etc.

So, no, sorry. Can't currently justify getting it down to one. Essentially, the ones I have are all use-specific. And the little bit of overlap that I've got is so that me and my two sons can all shoot together without passing the same gun around.
I'm thinking the same thing...
THE one for me is probably the Red Wolf but another ONE my EVOL turned 177, and another ONE is my Sharp Ace Target, and another ONE is my USFT, and another ONE is my Delta Wolf...
Then there are the springers and other pumpers that would be difficult to let go
Been shooting a lot of them lately and all have their place...
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