What is the best 30cal rifle?

I'm interested to see how much do you have to put into that Canivore to get it to match the higher end guns. I have a Flex in my possession and I can say it's freakin accurate. I used to have a Bobcat .30 and it to was super accurate as well. I like the ability to change calibers at a reasonable price and the fact that it is very easy to service. Travis told me all the orings can had at your local hardware store. American made and awesome customer service to match. Like Manny said it's very tunable to your liking and surprisingly quiet for the power level it's capable of. I'll also say the trigger on this Flex is like non I've had, it reminds a lot of the air wolf I used to own. I believe in the end it all boils down to the shooter when comes to the Fx, Flex and the Raw. They are all good. 
"Nomadic Pirate"Let's not compare a Ford Focus to Porsches and Ferraris, it might get you to the same place but the journey will be a completely different cup of tea :) :)

Bwalton was supposed to send me a tuned .30 Carnivore for Review/field test,
but I think he changed his mind once I had a FLEX in my hands, side to side comparison probably would not have been very kind for the old Hatsan :) :) :)
From reading your posts about Hatsan he probably figured even if it was covered in 24k gold it still would be trashed. I will say I have shot a GTA forum member's Flex. It's a very nice gun. Was it worth $1100 more than I have in my tuned Hatsan 30 cal? I will just say my gun has a regulated tube at 900 fps with 44 gr JSB pellets for 20 shots and an unregulated tube that shoots 51 gr pellets over 1000 fps. I can easily do 1/2 inch 50 yard groups and have hit 12oz cans at over 150 yards. It works for me and I'm very happy with it.
Dammit! If you're replies were hidden, that means I had to take time out of my holiday to clean up your crap. C'mon guys, quit you're bickering. Give your 2 cents and keep the conversation productive.

Perhaps the OP would be kind enough to let us know what is important to him. Eg: price, power, shot count, warranty, availability, etc.
Michael, thanks for doing all that you do for us! Merry Christmas and I wish you and your family all the best in the new year!
OP...what is it your after? or are you just wanting to see everyone bash each other?
My 2 cents what ever gun that shoots well enough to stay on your intended target that allows you to enjoy what ever principle of shooting that you intend and does not break the bank in your mind ...that is the right gun!
Best of luck with your journey my friend and I hope after doing some research that you acquire the gun of your dreams!

And if you want one that shoots well and looks like a top end sporting rifle, I'd look into DayState. I've never had an issues with my Daystates which come with a 3 year warranty. I think the warranty might say something about the manufactures belief in their product.

I have an FX Impact (1 year warranty) .30 on order and am frankly concerned based on the problems with the FX's that are showing up on this forum.

I shoot every week with a FX Bob Cat .30cal, Daystates, and I have shot the RAW. Myself and Nappyman who has the BobCat .30 we both shoot Likewise groups, although I am a little better shot as he would put it. The only reason that I have the Hatsans is because it has never once gave me a reason to change when looking at the end results. Is she heavy? Yes. Is she rough around the edges? yes Is she beautiful? Heck to the no...But not a mud duck either.

It takes work to get her where she is...Is she accurate? Yes..Is she powerful? Yes for what I do its all that I need. The .30 can launch the 50gr at 950fps no problem and the 44gr at over 1000fps full power up. Although I can buy anyone of those rifles...what I am afraid of is spending an extra $1000 and still have the same groups. Most of the FX rifles in .30cal shoot around 880-890fps same with Daystate thats where their best accuracy is at. Like I said, I make the same kill shots at the same distances. So now I can spend that extra on nice scopes and range finders. But it takes work to get that rifle where it is, and with FX, Daystate, Raw, Flex all that hard work is done for you, and thats what you are paying for, some thing that you can shoot out the box and make those kill shots, or win a comp or two. If you want something that will shoot well when it arrives at your door then Hatsan is not for you, not saying that they will not shoot well out the box, but they will not give you the accuracy like the others.
I like Hatsan because not only do I know that platform well, but because she does everything that I tell her to do. and she still puts a smile on my face when she makes a shot that I did not think she could make. Hatsan is not for everyone.... Some like to shoot great and look good while doing it, me I just like to shoot great :)
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