What is the best pcp under $2,000.

"Logan2923"I'm just getting big in pcp air rifles and I want to know want is the best one I can get with $2,000.
Multiple options. Depending on your use, you could get a bullpup or a rifle. In Bull pups you could look at the cricket, wildcat, Vulcan, edgun matador all excellent guns and super accurate. If you want flexibility of caliber, wait for the FX Impact. 
All of them!

I'm kidding (sort of). There are so many variables. Different styles of guns for different styles of shooting.
What are you trying to accomplish? What ACTUAL distances and what targets? Hunting pests or shooting paper?
Does your 2000 dollar budget include a scope? Would you be interested in spending a lot LESS than $2000 ?

I am reading your post, and thinking... "He is just getting into PCP guns... The Benjamin Marauder would be a really great place to start, because it's a fantastic value, and he won't outgrow it's capabilities anytime soon"
Also, its easy to hand pump if you don't have budget for a 4500 psi tank. If you live in a tight neighborhood, and have limited space... then I would highly recommend starting with the Marauder Pistol. Again, it's an extremely accurate gun at a very affordable price.

But, if you want to go out and spend nearly 2 grand on the FX Bobcat... go right ahead.
RAW HM-1000X starts at $1900 from the research I did this is a good value for what you get. I also like the FX rifles they have many in that price range. I am new to the airgun game so I only have research from the net no actual experience except for owning an FX Wildcat and it was a very well made airgun IMHO. It depends on what you plan to do with the airgun which one is best. For me I did not want to drop $600 on an entry level gun then spend more on an upgrade I have done plenty shooting to know I like to shoot and wanted a high end gun to start with.

Do you have a tank? How would you fill the tank? What kind of scope are you looking for? A lot of unknowns we don't know. Carbon fiber tank may cost you 400 to 700 depending on what size you want. Are you close to a shop that can fill to 4500 psi. Most people are not. Filling your own tank is the way to go. Made my life so much easier. Shoebox about 650. For a hunting scope maybe 300 for a nice hawke scope. Then the gun it self. Does your 2000 include everything I mentioned or do you have everything the gun needs?
So many choices. If you were only interested in hunting at 30 fpe then I would suggest the Cricket in 22. At higher power the Cricket 25 at ca 50-55fpe would be a good choice. In addition the FX Wildcat in either 22 or 25 could be considered.

My personal favorite is the FX400 with it's very reproducible 3 step power adjuster allowing shooting at ca. 12, 20 or 30 fpe. The same available in a semi bullpup configuration as gteh FX Bobcat.
I remember when I just got into PCP's . . . and this may just be me but I recommend bypassing the entry level guns if your budget will allow it. And at $2,000, you have plenty of options.

For me, I started out with a couple of springers before going PCP. Once I went PCP, I started with a number of $400-$800 rifles from a couple of really cool Falcons (tough to find now) to several variations of the Air Arms S410 and even a tricked out Marauder. Then I upped the budget a little bit and went through a lot of the FX line from the T12, Royale 400 then 500, and several Monsoons. Again, all nice rifles but I never kept them very long because I kind of always knew that I wanted something "nicer" so I took the plunge and broke through that $2,000 ceiling to go with an Edgun and AirWolf MCT. Those two stayed with me the longest and since then, I've gone on to buy several newer versions of the Edgun and still have one today. The only two other PCPs I have now are a .25 Vulcan and .22 Colibri; reluctantly got rid of the MCT because I went full bullpup.

So I guess there are two ways to look at it. The first is to use the funds you have to go straight to what you really want and save yourself the hassle of going through a bunch of other rifles to get there. On the other hand, although it did consume a lot of time, going through that progression did expose me to a lot of different makers and designs so it did satisfy my curiosity and allow me to mentally check off each of those rifles as "been there, done that". I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't enjoy owning and shooting most of those "inferior" PCPs on the way to my end goal.

Ummm, thinking back on this, I don't think I've helped you with your decision at all . . . so do whatever you want! ;)
"Gundog"RAW HM-1000X starts at $1900 from the research I did this is a good value for what you get. I also like the FX rifles they have many in that price range. I am new to the airgun game so I only have research from the net no actual experience except for owning an FX Wildcat and it was a very well made airgun IMHO. It depends on what you plan to do with the airgun which one is best. For me I did not want to drop $600 on an entry level gun then spend more on an upgrade I have done plenty shooting to know I like to shoot and wanted a high end gun to start with.

I did this... not once but twice!!! Benjamin Trail NP XL, Marauder .25, FX Bobcat .22 all in less than 2 months=P sold the NP still have the Marauder. it has its place. very good entry level rifle