What is with the FX chrono V2 ?

My friend got one of these, and TBH i am stomped.

It will extremely often miss a shot / several shots in a row completely.
It will some times ( like 1 in every 5 shots ) list a speed for a shot at least 1/4 of the actual speed of 970 FPS
And it have a couple of times barked out a speed of over 3000 FPS

I think my friend is lucky the used chrono are just from December and he got at a very low price, which seem to be for good reason

The damn thing are of course fully charged and fully updated ( with the extended sleep update FW )

Needless to say my old FX pocket chrono on his rifle perform as it should.
Any chance he is shooting in close proximity to a structure? A nearby wall produces reflections that can confuse the receiver.

The fact your chrono works for him suggests his is faulty but I would at least try it again from an open space.
I was going to say probably user error which is par for the course with fx gear. Odd reflection returns, software updates, radar position in the area. It isn't supposed to read supersonic stuff well anyhow. Eliminate the easy variables first. I also doubt the internals have changed much and it probably a better case and some software updates that have made my v1 WAY better than it used to be

Odd reflections give me missed pickups the most, how the radar is pointed is important. I've had mine pick up flies before too which is fun.
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No we are shooting from our shed, with end of rifles and chronos outside of it, and shooting across open field aside for the backstops and targets here and here, most prominent the end of the 20 foot container that is back stop at 55 M distance.

My old model FX chrono have absolutely 0 problems.
We have tried to mount his chrono all manner of places on his rifle, from 3" behind the muzzle to about a foot back on the rail system.

We have not tried his chron on my rifle as i feel that is invane, and i am pretty sure there is no user error, i have used a FX pocket chrono for like 5 years now and know well what they can and can not do.

I dont get how it will call out speeds that is either way faster than the 960 FPS he shoot, or lower than the range for the particular chrono profile he use.
And it is completely randon though it do seem like every 3 ( counted / measured ) shot being called out as super slow is a favorite.

I have tried to adjust ( calibrate ) the chrono in all of its range from -2.0 to 2.0 but it dont really do much for it

On my rifles i have always had my old chrono on the very back of the moderator, it have always worked just fine there, but as i said we have tried just about eveny mm of his moderator and shroud further back
No we have not tried without the moderator i have at admit, it is the samme Finnish made powder burner moderator we use ( made for 22 LR and .17 HMR )

MY friend is going to the dealer tomorrow to talk to them.

Layout of range ( areal view )


Video of bench / shooter layout.

Picture ( staged ) of all lanes occupied, just some rifles thrown in there.
Friends DRS in Chassis rifle in front we have a hard time getting chrono measurements on, well using his V2 chrono my old one work just fine on it.

what caliber because there is an adjustment in the chrono settings as I've heard others have had the same issue.
i have one v2 and works flawless . found this on an earlier post

I've found two things that can affect it. One is having it set for the wrong velocity range. If velocities go over or under the range you have it set for in its profile then you won't get a reading. The other is sensitivity. The default setting is 20. On some guns, particularly. 177s and bb guns I've had to go down to 10 or 0. It's best to keep it as high as possible though because with it set really low any rapid movement will cause a false reading. The false reading are typically very obvious however.