I'm a big Charles Bronson and Death Wish fan, funny 80s movies. And Glem is one of those names that if you were born with you'd constantly have to keep correcting people "Hey Glen!" "No its Glem, GLEM with an M"
Would probably drive someone to shoot up somewhere. I have a strange sense of humor but it's been my internet name for a while. Btw you can call me clem or glen or glem, it matters not but I'm really a Nathan or Nate.
liked the original death wish movies. Favorite scene was when Bronson was at an all night diner, and he looks at the kid behind the counter and he places his order- HEY, YOUUUUU, ZIT FACE! HOW ABOUT SOME FRIES”
best scene, just looking at that kids expression
my avatar will change from time to time whenever I come up on a classic photo, but for now it’s Johnny. Really like him as an actor as well.
As far as the BIGRAGU, back in the day when Laverne and Shirley came out, it was the second week of the show when Carmine, the Bigragu made his debut in the show.
During art class the next day I sat across from a pot head stoner, and in his loaded glass eyes he stared at me, screamed out, “dude, you look like the BigRagu in Laverne and Shirley. The name stuck, to some. Enough for me to write the nick name on my baseballl mitt. The majority of my class thought I looked more like the boxer from Taxi, but that name didn’t stick-
Funny thing is with the ragu and the danza nick names, I’m not even Italian, lol. Far from it.
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