What made you pick your avatar & username?

Okay mine is pretty straight forward Blackpaw = Blackpaw. I have it from a old nick name then I had black flat coated retrievers, thus a continuation of the blackpaw.

So why did you pick your username and avatar? @L.Leon your’s is cute and unique because it is neutral looking cute puppy :D. And I see your dog could be very judgey,. :D

Some of our usernames and avatars are obvious and some not so much. Please do tell, inspiring minds want to know or just a bunch of crazy people interested into air rifles.
Years ago I was in the employ of an alphabet-soup government agency near the Great lakes. I was an avid runner then, but hated running in sweats. As winter approached, I decided to see how long I could keep running shirtless. I discovered that if I was willing to eat pain like candy and run hard enough, my body would generate enough heat to survive. After that first winter of running in blizzards of lake-effect snow, my coworkers gave me the moniker of The Iceman. I no longer live up there, and I sure don't run that much anymore, but the name has stuck. My avatar is me holding one of my first ever racoons taken with an air rifle. 


Here is a quiet fact that goes along with my Xbowsniper moniker. I have competed in Field Crossbow in National and International competition, and have served as US Team coach numerous times. I hold every indoor National and World record that can be held, except for one or two, because the targets and distance were retired before I took the sport up. I've won 21 National US Indoor Crossbow titles, and one outdoor title.

Thus, earning the Xbowsniper username...

Tom Holland 

Field Target Tech 

My username came from my days as an Amphibious sailor in the USN. Our Marine brothers, who we delivered into harms way, always referred to us as squids. Once I left the USN I started using exsquid as a login for different forums. Usually, I use my ship in heavy seas for the avatar but had a serious obsession with coyote hunting/trapping for a number of years and my avatar was a trapped coyote tat was predictably not happy when we showed up with him in a snare. I snapped his picture and have used it for many years now...
love the x mas story movie is my aviator plus my buddy got his eye shot when kids was hiding behind a bell in the yard like a bigger dinner bell we were having bb gun fights his brother shot the bell and recache into his eye he was wearing glasses also and we laugh about it oday we were stupid his glasses looked just like the aviator hes fine didnt loose it thank god and my dad nicknamed me douger
I'm a big Charles Bronson and Death Wish fan, funny 80s movies. And Glem is one of those names that if you were born with you'd constantly have to keep correcting people "Hey Glen!" "No its Glem, GLEM with an M"

Would probably drive someone to shoot up somewhere. I have a strange sense of humor but it's been my internet name for a while. Btw you can call me clem or glen or glem, it matters not but I'm really a Nathan or Nate.

My user name was given to me by my wife's "Kumu" (teacher) from her hula halau. "Kaeo kini" means master of his craft. I am a mechanic and own a repair shop that specializes in commercial vehicles, mainly class 6,7, & 8. On the island on Hawaii (Kona) side my shop is 1 of 2 shops on the west side of the island, hence the wrenches in my business logo, I am quite fortunate to be busy during these tuff covid times. Lucky for me being retired from the Air Force of 22 years and owning my business I can still afford this expensive sport, although if my wife finds out how much money I spend on airguns and all the related stuff I might not be so lucky with her.

Aloha, Keone
When I started having some presence online like this I went back and forth between picking some random name or going with something else. In my case I chose the beginning of most emails I have had. I work in IT and it's pretty clear that darn near everything is trackable (and has been trackable) online so why bother hiding who I am? I also figured that being the same "persona" everywhere will keep me on the straight and narrow!


And that's just a funny pic of Jasper in my profile! Here's a more dignified one I took today


Lack of inspiration. But I will admit that I've had it with the Psittacula Kramerii (a rapidly expanding invasive pest) shredding my apple orchard whilst shrieking all the way to the bank.


No kidding, the're even crowding out the native woodpeckers who used to be weeding my garden for free. Very hardy buggers too. 

I am really curious to hear more about Motorhead and Vetmx..Hope they manifest themselves here ...
