Okay mine is pretty straight forward Blackpaw = Blackpaw. I have it from a old nick name then I had black flat coated retrievers, thus a continuation of the blackpaw.
So why did you pick your username and avatar? @L.Leon your’s is cute and unique because it is neutral looking cute puppy . And I see your dog could be very judgey,.
Some of our usernames and avatars are obvious and some not so much. Please do tell, inspiring minds want to know or just a bunch of crazy people interested into air rifles.
So why did you pick your username and avatar? @L.Leon your’s is cute and unique because it is neutral looking cute puppy . And I see your dog could be very judgey,.
Some of our usernames and avatars are obvious and some not so much. Please do tell, inspiring minds want to know or just a bunch of crazy people interested into air rifles.