Weather was just too nice (for Michigan
) to sit indoors so I drove out to club range with my Maverick Sniper 25 cal. It's tuned for 34 grain pellets and I usually shoot 50 yards with it. Today, being first trip out of season and breezy, I checked zero at 50, shot a group then moved back to 25 yards. I am working on my confidence before trying anything fancy at 50.
This is my 5 shot group at 50 to check zero. The wind drift is apparent. Date is wrong on target — it was 10th, today.
I shot these 5 shot groups at 25 yards with same zero and same everything. Just adjusted one little smirch (yes, an airgun sighting term) down.
Lastly, I shot an IBS rimfire 50 yard target at 25 yards. Think I'm regaining confidence to move back out to 50 next time. A day with little to no wind would help for the first try.

This is my 5 shot group at 50 to check zero. The wind drift is apparent. Date is wrong on target — it was 10th, today.
Lastly, I shot an IBS rimfire 50 yard target at 25 yards. Think I'm regaining confidence to move back out to 50 next time. A day with little to no wind would help for the first try.
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