What Paper Target Did You Shoot Today

When I’m at my gun club there are always Caldwell Shoot n’ See targets in the trash barrel. Typically, shooters don’t use all or any of the red or black nickel/dime sized repair dots. I stick those to a piece of cardboard or the backside of used copy paper. Dime sized groups or smaller is what I strive for at all yardages out to 50 for my hunting/pesting needs.
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Hello everyone,

I wanted to shoot some 10-meter paper this morning but could not because of some kind of a bug hatch. I shoot from inside my house through an open window and this morning the air was full of a bunch flying bugs and could not open the window. So I shot this 10-Meter target on my 15-foot indoor range in my shop using the Crosman 1701P .177 cal Pistol with Crosman Match Grade Wadcutter 7.9gr pellets.


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Thomas, FANTASTIC card!!! 🤗
Not bad deputy. I am so waiting on winter basement challenges.
Hello @rsfrid,

Well as you can see from the above my trigger finger needs a lot of work to improve enough to be competitive with you and Dottie. Very little indoor shooting this Summer has left me pretty rusty, but I plan to be ready by early Fall.

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Thomas, FANTASTIC card!!! 🤗
Hello @Ranchibi

Thank you. I'm not sure what theses little bugs are but the air was thick with them. Normally the bug hatches are in the Spring and early Summer and that is when I like to be out on the lake with a fly rod. They are all gone now but the wind is a bit too much for the outdoor 10-Meter shooting .

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Hello everyone,

Man what a difference 2 weeks can make in the weather. 85f at 7:30am two weeks ago and a beautiful 65f this morning and no wind. However I wound up shooting indoors this morning and shot three almost identical targets. A score of 248 on all three but this target really should have been a 249, the upper right target should be a 50, both outer pellets did touch the 10-Ring. I will try and shoot some 10-Meter later today.


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I am rigging up an outside heater for my covered outside range . (covered outside range = under the screen porch and outside the basement cement wall ) just a 4 foot high plywood 3 sided affair with a electric heater blowing on me . 16 meters target face to front edge of bench .
Hello @beerthief

I must admit that I am now spoiled ever since I set up my "inside the house bench", for shooting outside targets. All I have to do is open the sliding window from the inside, the hard part is going outside and posting the paper targets :ROFLMAO: . If I did not have this set up, then when the temperature was in the 104 to 107 range for over a month, I would not have shot at all.

Benchrest Indoor-4A.jpg
Hello everyone,

I am a bit late getting to do some 10-Meter pistol shooting today but the weather is just perfect. However my accuracy was not perfect, but I can blame it on something :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: , I shot with the Air Striper on, normally I take it off. I don’t like to shoot with a moderator or a stripper, I feel like the gun is more accurate without them. Still not too bad with a score of 236.

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Crosman 1701P,12.jpg
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That sure would be sweet to have an indoor / outdoor setup like you have @ThomasT !
Hello @igolfat8

Thank you I sure have enjoyed this setup, I can shoot from as close in as 10-Meters all the way out to 85-yards. Another great part is that I can just get up from the bench and leave everything right there, do not have to worry about putting up everything. Nothing is exposed to the elements which really protects the equipment.

Hello everyone,

Late start this morning but another beautiful Fall day to shoot some paper. Wind was out of the South causing almost white caps out on the Lake but I was pretty much protected by my house. Shot the Crosman 1701P .177cal again but without the Air Stripper and all of my targets were better scored and this target with a perfect 250 score. This is one good reason for me to shoot paper because I can see and hold in my hand the results of a good effort on my part. Also I can review the bad shots and use that information to correct on the next target.

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Hello everyone,

OK this is a bit off from my regular paper target shooting but this was fun this morning and I am really pleased with a 225 Score. This brought back a ton of great memories from when I was 6 years old and got my first Daisy Red Ryder ( which I still have ). I have had this particular BB rifle for over 20 years and best to my knowledge have never shot any paper targets with it.

Two days ago a flock of Brewer’s Blackbirds raided all of my bird feeders and chase off all of my local birds. I like all birds ( well almost all ), but these birds are very aggressive and come in flocks of 25 and more and disrupt all the other birds. I tried opening my door and scaring them off but within minutes they were back, so I got the Daisy Powerline 880 and just kind of pointed at them and fired a shot :oops:. Well just pure luck I killed one and the flock was gone for a couple of hours. I looked in the gun safe and found this Tru Glo Hunter 4x32 scope and mounted it on the rifle. I knew that I would have to sight it in so I put a 15-Foot Air Pistol Target on one of my Big Bang Pellet Traps in my shop and after about 8 shots had it zeroed in :D.

That was fun so I tapped another target on the other Trap and shot 5 shots at each target and this was the results :D. Not too bad for an old BB rifle, note the lower right Target, that is 4 shots in one elongated hole. The Brewer’s aren’t real happy with this set up, seams there are now four less members in their flock :rolleyes:.

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Daisy Powerline 880.5.jpg
Hello everyone,

Shooting indoors today because it is a bit too much wind for any 10-Meter targets and with my Pistol. Shooting four of the “General Target” which is one of my favorite, and was able to get a 200 Score on all four this morning. This always makes me feel good when I shoot all four rows on this target equally.

Crosman 1701P.9.jpg
Hello everyone,

Shooting indoors today because it is a bit too much wind for any 10-Meter targets and with my Pistol. Shooting four of the “General Target” which is one of my favorite, and was able to get a 200 Score on all four this morning. This always makes me feel good when I shoot all four rows on this target equally.

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My HERO! Fantastic card Thomas! 🤗 Have a great weekend!
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