What Paper Target Did You Shoot Today

My HERO! Fantastic card Thomas! 🤗 Have a great weekend!
Hello @Ranchibi

We have another cold front headed this way and I am looking forward to some cooler and mild weather this coming week. Hope to be able to shoot a bunch of 10-Meter targets, maybe one or two like this one.

Yep hope you have a great weekend also.

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Hello everyone,

Perfect conditions for shooting this morning, cloudy, overcast and absolutely dead calm. Not a breath of air and the white paper targets looked like a light was shining on them.

Filled up my Crosman 1701P .177 cal Pistol with air and shot several practice targets and I had that really good feeling that my MoJo was working today. So I first shot a rifle target but with only one shot for each 10-Ring, (first photo). I decided to try one of my most difficult rifle targets next. I taped a 8 by 8 Competition target and set it out, (second photo) and shot a 149 which is the best that I have ever shot this with a Pistol. The middle eight Rings you get Zero points if you break or touch a line so these can kill your score really fast. I decided to quit while I was ahead :D .

Crosman 1701P.10.jpg
Crosman 1701P.11.jpg
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Hello everyone,

The weather took a turn and it started raining so I moved indoors to my shop to shoot some 15-Feet Targets. This time I choose the Challenge Skill Target and the best one out of three gave me a score of 90. I did not get a single “10" score ( score a 10 by eliminating the inner circle completely ) but did shoot 18 Five’s.

Shooting a .177 cal pellet makes it really hard to eliminate the inner ring which is 0.15" O.D.. The O.D. of the outer ring is 0.35" which makes for a challenge to shoot a pellet completely inside the Ring.


Crosman 1701P.12.jpg
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Hello everyone,

Shot indoors at 15-Feet again this morning with thunderstorm outside. So glad to have these Big Bang Pellet Traps set up indoors, they catch all the pellets and shredded paper with no mess to clean up.

The Crosman 1701P is no doubt a very accurate Pistol, but I owe a lot of accuracy to the Steve Corcoran Custom Grips. They are so comfortable and I grip the pistol the same every time and I know this aids in the overall accuracy.

The Red Number below each target is the maximum spread in inches for all 5 shots on that target. Maybe not quite ready for, @rsfrid, Ross’s One Hole Challenge, but getting there.

Crosman 1701P.13.jpg
Finally got out to do some chootin today.

25 Yards with “Tiny” my Brocock Atomic .22 shooting CPHPs @700 fps. I was experimenting with 4 different head sizes but there was just too much wind to actually be consistent and learn much but it was fun shooting..

Then I stretched out to 50 yards with my RTI Prophet LR Gen 1 shooting MRDs @ 970.
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Finally got out to do some chootin today.

25 Yards with “Tiny” my Brocock Atomic .22 shooting CPHPs @700 fps. I was experimenting with 4 different head sizes but there was just too much wind to actually be consistent and learn much but it was fun shooting..View attachment 391764View attachment 391763

Then I stretched out to 50 yards with my RTI Prophet LR Gen 1 shooting MRDs @ 970.
View attachment 391765
Hello @igolfat8

The wind can make shooting a bit frustrating when you are trying to test or compare pellets. However the results for the Prophet look very good.

It's still fun just to shoot :p
