Okay so again today i tried a BR50 paper at 55 M, and again i crashed and burned.
It is funny the Two was shooting MRD pellets and aiming at impact marks on the backstop i just nailed it over and over.
But changing my aim to the BR50 paper 1 foot or 2 above, and i had problems getting inside the black ring, and i think at best i had like 3 10s and just 1 X
So i changed ammo to crossman premier pellets, and BAM i was on the ball again and shot the hell out of the BR50 targets i completely missed.
Then i proceeded to hit the 4 papers i put up at 30 M and that was much better.
Still some misses but i was also off the shoulder so even with support in the front a bit wobbly.
After that i proceed to trim branches off one of the big trees, also about 50 M distance, then i shot a little at the brick on top of the fridge at 93 M that hold my backing cardboard, and i was actually hitting the brick more than i was missing it. ( 6 lines hold over VS my 30 M zero as i recall )
Also tore up a coke can sitting on the table beside the fridge.
Then i changed to the 75 M spinner and it needed a 1.75 line holdover to nail, even the little chicken on the top of the spinner.
Also shot some more on the container at 55 M just needed a .5 holdover there.
So went thru a whole tin of the crossman pellets minus 25 or so, i will have to order more of those, CUZ i was having really good fun today, probably also due to the wind dropping to next to 0 in the end of the day
Earlier in the day all my pellets was a bit hit and miss due to the wind, even with me paying attention to the flags
I had to drop the two to,,,,,, well i am not sure what i ended up on, but before my last down adjustment on the regulator i was at 50 BAR
With a 700 mm barrel you dont need much pressure to get things going.
The back end of the tin of crossman pellets.
The old Cyclone also shot well, but none the less i think i have to ease off the hammer a little, but dispatched of the rest of a tin of 22 gr JTS dead centers.
Sadly i did not try it again when the wind dropped, but at 30 M i was making one big ragged hole with it, and all the way thru the 1" plank used as backing.
EDIT : my memory goo forsake me, just looked at the regulator gauge ( digital ) it read 63 BAR, so i was probably at 70 something when i gave the REG its final twist.