What Paper Target Did You Shoot Today

An Atomic XR 22cal arrived today. I added the Air Superiority hammer spring adjuster to the order and they installed it. I’m pretty disappointed, it’s nowhere near tuned. I’m getting 8-12 shots until i go off the reg making adjustments. I had to remove it and install the factory piece. Getting 25ish shots now. Still not great.
This target was indoor at 10m while i recorded chrony data to share with AoA.
The bottom two rows are shot as a pistol. The others are front rested.

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Hello @Florida_Man

You have a whole bunch of 10's on that target, looks very good to me 😁

An Atomic XR 22cal arrived today. I added the Air Superiority hammer spring adjuster to the order and they installed it. I’m pretty disappointed, it’s nowhere near tuned. I’m getting 8-12 shots until i go off the reg making adjustments. I had to remove it and install the factory piece. Getting 25ish shots now. Still not great.
This target was indoor at 10m while i recorded chrony data to share with AoA.
The bottom two rows are shot as a pistol. The others are front rested.

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Just looks like it's shooting like a new PCP that needs a little time for things to settle in. Was the chrony numbers variable and by how much.....?
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Please do not think this an rude question.
When you had the heavier hammer installed was tuning the gun part of the arrangement?
Curious to know
It’s not a heavier hammer spring, it is supposed to allow for adjustment without removing the buffer tube. My mistake was not asking if it would be tuned. I tried various adjustments of the piece and none would get me where the stock piece is at. Something doesn’t seem right with it.
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It’s not a heavier hammer spring, it is supposed to allow for adjustment without removing the buffer tube. My mistake was not asking if it would be tuned. I tried various adjustments of the piece and none would get me where the stock piece is at. Something doesn’t seem right with it.
Hello @Florida_Man

Take your time with this and you know that AOA will surely make it right. Some tuning and a bit of tweaking most likely is all it will take. Sure looks to be real good shooter so far.

Hello @Florida_Man

Take your time with this and you know that AOA will surely make it right. Some tuning and a bit of tweaking most likely is all it will take. Sure looks to be real good shooter so far.

Thanks. With the external HS adjuster my first shots with 16gr were always 725 fps or higher no matter where on the 126 range of chicks it was. And all settings sounded like it was wasting air. Now that I have the original on and its acting normal, my only plan is to run several tins through it and see how it settles in, but its a shooter. When I put the original piece in the rifle sounded crisp and right with the world.

I have the initial string unmolested on a computer I left at work. These were the lowest setting and the mid point

This is once I swapped in the factory HS piece.
Hello everyone,

Shot five more different pellets with the Beeman 2028 .22 cal today and found two that I will test next out on the 10-Meter range. I still have more to test this week.

Range: Indoors at 15-Feet
Pistol: Beeman 2028, .22 caliber with Buck Rail AR Conversion / from a bench
Scope: UTG Bug Buster 3-9x32
Pellets: see list above
Wind: -0- mph


Beeman 2028 -113.jpg
Hello everyone,

Shot five more different pellets with the Beeman 2028 .22 cal today and found two that I will test next out on the 10-Meter range. I still have more to test this week.

Range: Indoors at 15-Feet
Pistol: Beeman 2028, .22 caliber with Buck Rail AR Conversion / from a bench
Scope: UTG Bug Buster 3-9x32
Pellets: see list above
Wind: -0- mph


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Good Morning Thomas
Weird how the same pellet(basically) AA/JSB are so different in results.
to me, it looks like the AA's scored better on this round, but a lot of ups and downs
JSB's had a better horizontal
The JTS 18.1 has a nice horizontal and consistency
I can't even tell which targets you aimed at with the H&N's :LOL:
is the horizontal line on the JSB's the reason you choose to further test over the AA's?
small test, but informative
I hope i can make it to the range today
Good Morning Thomas
Weird how the same pellet(basically) AA/JSB are so different in results.
to me, it looks like the AA's scored better on this round, but a lot of ups and downs
JSB's had a better horizontal
The JTS 18.1 has a nice horizontal and consistency
I can't even tell which targets you aimed at with the H&N's :LOL:
is the horizontal line on the JSB's the reason you choose to further test over the AA's?
small test, but informative
I hope i can make it to the range today
Hello @manabeknives

The AA is such a cleaner and better looking pellet over the JSB. You just have to think it will out shoot the JSB, but they were all over the place ????

Bye the way, when I am shooting to "test" various pellets I always aim at the dead center and do not make any scope adjustments. You can study the pattern and see if most of the impacts are in the same place. I have even taken a clean sheet of paper and laid a shot "row" over the paper and then use a black marker to touch each shot hole on that row. Then place the shot target on the plain paper and align the holes over the black dots. This will tell you that had the scope been zeroed and the first shot impact the Bull, each other shot would have also impacted a Bull :geek:. Hey it works ..... :)

Yeah, the H&N were in a different world.

Yes on the JSB, minor but they showed less variation. If you look, only shot #7 was a bad hit and part of that could have been on me.

The big test will come when I get the Thread Adapter installed and the Moderator also installed and I shoot a bunch outdoors on my 10-Meter range. I will eliminate some pellets at that point and then move out to 25-Yards and that should determine the overall winner.

I'm treating this Pistol like I would a new rifle but really do not expect it to shoot MOA at 25-Yards, however I do expect it to be within the kill zone on the Squirrel Target at 25 plus yards.

Hello everyone,

First feel this morning of just a touch of Fall in the air with a modest cool breeze. Started shooting the last of my .22 cal inventory which consist of 20gr plus by weight and slugs and none shot worth considering and I had these two in the 18gr wight. Number 17 shot well enough that I zeroed the scope with this pellet on another target and then re-shot on this target. This will give me six different pellets to test out on the 10-Meter range.

Range: Indoors at 15-Feet
Pistol: Beeman 2028, .22 caliber with Buck Rail AR Conversion / from a bench
Scope: UTG Bug Buster 3-9x32
Pellets: see list above
Wind: -0- mph


Beeman 2028 -114.jpg
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Uploaded this FLY target from here on AGN yesterday and shot it this morning. Sighter fly on the far right....far left is a pellet and on it's right a slug, shot the slug first, RAW HMx .22 20yds. My neighbor was watering her plants the same time as I was shooting and she inadvertently showered me and all my shooting equipment with THE HOSE over our common brick wall about 6ft high so she couldn't seenme as she is 5ft tall, good thing I put the lids on my ammo tins back on after each single shot load (don know why I do this, maybe anal retentive)...😂....warm and humid here so it was almost welcomed! Slug holes remind me of wadcutters....just perfect round holes.
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Uploaded this FLY target from here on AGN yesterday and shot it this morning. Sighter fly on the far right....far left is a pellet and on it's right a slug, shot the slug first, RAW HMx .22 20yds. My neighbor was watering her plants the same time as I was shooting and she inadvertently showered me and all my shooting equipment with THE HOSE over our common brick wall about 6ft high so she couldn't seenme as she is 5ft tall, good thing I put the lids on my ammo tins back on after each single shot load (don know why I do this, maybe anal retentive)...😂....warm and humid here so it was almost welcomed! Slug holes remind me of wadcutters....just perfect round holes.
Hello @Ranchibi

That is some fine shooting (y) . That third Fly must have been one tough dude for you to have to shoot him 3 times :ROFLMAO:

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Hello everyone,

I am getting so close now to completing this Pistol to my Number-One squirrel gun. Today I received the Dovetail to Picatinny rail adapter and was able to mount the Pinty 1*30 DOT Scope with the 2-MOA Dot. Set up a DOT Scope target at 10-Meters and zeroed the Scope.

And this is what I have really been waiting for is to shoot some Squirrel Silhouette targets at 10-Meters and see if this setup would give me the accuracy to put FIVE shots in the Kill Zone. That small 2-MOA Dot really makes a huge difference to placing the pellet smack dab in the Zone whoo - hooo 🤩

I’m just hoping that the Moderator will not change the POI.

Range: Outdors at 10-Meters
Pistol: Beeman 2028, .22 caliber with Buck Rail AR Conversion / from a bench
Scope: Pinty 1*30 DOT Scope, 2-MOA
Pellets: JSB Jumbo Heavy 18.13gr
FPS: 600
FPE: 9.6
Wind: 5 to 10 mph


Beeman 2028-112.jpg
Beeman 2028-113A.jpg
Beeman 2028 -115.jpg
Hello everyone,

I am getting so close now to completing this Pistol to my Number-One squirrel gun. Today I received the Dovetail to Picatinny rail adapter and was able to mount the Pinty 1*30 DOT Scope with the 2-MOA Dot. Set up a DOT Scope target at 10-Meters and zeroed the Scope.

And this is what I have really been waiting for is to shoot some Squirrel Silhouette targets at 10-Meters and see if this setup would give me the accuracy to put FIVE shots in the Kill Zone. That small 2-MOA Dot really makes a huge difference to placing the pellet smack dab in the Zone whoo - hooo 🤩

I’m just hoping that the Moderator will not change the POI.

Range: Outdors at 10-Meters
Pistol: Beeman 2028, .22 caliber with Buck Rail AR Conversion / from a bench
Scope: Pinty 1*30 DOT Scope, 2-MOA
Pellets: JSB Jumbo Heavy 18.13gr
FPS: 600
FPE: 9.6
Wind: 5 to 10 mph


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Nice Thomas! With RAW airguns, a moderator usually helps with accuracy, so I hope it does the same for your squirrely dude gun! Your gun is so compact and light!
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Nice Thomas! With RAW airguns, a moderator usually helps with accuracy, so I hope it does the same for your squirrely dude gun! Your gun is so compact and light!
Hello @Ranchibi

I have not put in on a scale but it is so easy to handle and for me to shoot out of my shop window and the front door to my house. I eliminated a squirrel this morning at the bird feeders by sliding open my shop window and SURPRISE ...... The birds fly off but it is not very long until they are back.

Tracking the Thread Adapter it shows not to be here until 8/30/2024 which is next Friday. Hopefully it will be on time and I can complete this build.

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I finished my first 500 pellets with the new Atomic. That was FX 15.9gr. Cleaned the barrel after that.

I started the next 500 and those are Crosman Premier Domes. The right target are the Crosman, I think my first is a cheap date.

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That's awesome your Atomics barrel likes affordable CPHP's! Luis's Brocock's all shoot CPHP's accurately also, that's a good thing 👍