What Paper Target Did You Shoot Today

I think the range was 1st to have an indoor 100 ..they also have an outdoor shotgun range
Doesn't get crowded on the long range and can do 50yrds as well
they say never throw stones in a glass house ...What would they say about our bunch in a greenhouse?? :ROFLMAO:
no glass , plastic stretched over hoops in the ground .
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Today, out of the blue i got a favorite hole,,,,, no I did not meet a cute girl, a bullet hole.

So i was shooting the Two with 16 grain Zans at 134 yards, and things was going pretty damn good as the wind also died down a little.

So in the metal plate down there i zeroed in on a lone old hole in the plate with clear untouched metal around it. well at least for the closest 3 inches or so.
And my first 2 shots to it, just sailed right thru the hole, the #3 shot nicked the edge i was just able to hear the " tick " as the edge was grased, and a few shots later i sent 1 more thru the hole and nicked the edge of it again.
The rest made dents or holes around the hole i was aiming for.

Fav hole.jpg

Yesterday also in the end of the day as the wind died down some, i put some of the 5 dot 10 M pistol targets i think they are, and wanted to shoot 5 shot groups.
The problem is the wind was not gone, and also at that time the 16 grainers was not yet running just right.

Still i did manage to get one group,,,,, that is what i would call more than good, all things considering, the 3 other targets on the paper i shot after did not turn out as well, some shots even ending outside the paper due to the damn wind.
This is a bit shorter, so probably something like 124 - 126 yards.
nice 5 group.jpg
Today, out of the blue i got a favorite hole,,,,, no I did not meet a cute girl, a bullet hole.

So i was shooting the Two with 16 grain Zans at 134 yards, and things was going pretty damn good as the wind also died down a little.

So in the metal plate down there i zeroed in on a lone old hole in the plate with clear untouched metal around it. well at least for the closest 3 inches or so.
And my first 2 shots to it, just sailed right thru the hole, the #3 shot nicked the edge i was just able to hear the " tick " as the edge was grased, and a few shots later i sent 1 more thru the hole and nicked the edge of it again.
The rest made dents or holes around the hole i was aiming for.

View attachment 492964

Yesterday also in the end of the day as the wind died down some, i put some of the 5 dot 10 M pistol targets i think they are, and wanted to shoot 5 shot groups.
The problem is the wind was not gone, and also at that time the 16 grainers was not yet running just right.

Still i did manage to get one group,,,,, that is what i would call more than good, all things considering, the 3 other targets on the paper i shot after did not turn out as well, some shots even ending outside the paper due to the damn wind.
This is a bit shorter, so probably something like 124 - 126 yards.
View attachment 492967
nice shooting , i only have48 yards , i could go to 50 but the hill gets very steep right there and its a long way to the lake straight down at that point .
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Hello everyone,

More beautiful rain so I set up to shoot 15-Feet Targets indoors.

Range: Indoors at 15-Feet
Pistol: Beeman 2028, .22 caliber with Buck Rail AR Conversion, with the Moderator.
Scope: UTG Bug Buster 3-9x32
Pellets: JSB Jumbo 15.89gr
FPS: 525
FPE: 11.1
Wind: 0 mph


Beeman 2028 -123.jpg
Today, out of the blue i got a favorite hole,,,,, no I did not meet a cute girl, a bullet hole.

So i was shooting the Two with 16 grain Zans at 134 yards, and things was going pretty damn good as the wind also died down a little.

So in the metal plate down there i zeroed in on a lone old hole in the plate with clear untouched metal around it. well at least for the closest 3 inches or so.
And my first 2 shots to it, just sailed right thru the hole, the #3 shot nicked the edge i was just able to hear the " tick " as the edge was grased, and a few shots later i sent 1 more thru the hole and nicked the edge of it again.
The rest made dents or holes around the hole i was aiming for.

View attachment 492964

Yesterday also in the end of the day as the wind died down some, i put some of the 5 dot 10 M pistol targets i think they are, and wanted to shoot 5 shot groups.
The problem is the wind was not gone, and also at that time the 16 grainers was not yet running just right.

Still i did manage to get one group,,,,, that is what i would call more than good, all things considering, the 3 other targets on the paper i shot after did not turn out as well, some shots even ending outside the paper due to the damn wind.
This is a bit shorter, so probably something like 124 - 126 yards.
View attachment 492967
That is some SERIOUS ACCURACY especially in .177 @ those distances even with slugs! Your Epic 2 is quite special!
Hello everyone,

More beautiful rain so I set up to shoot 15-Feet Targets indoors.

Range: Indoors at 15-Feet
Pistol: Beeman 2028, .22 caliber with Buck Rail AR Conversion, with the Moderator.
Scope: UTG Bug Buster 3-9x32
Pellets: JSB Jumbo 15.89gr
FPS: 525
FPE: 11.1
Wind: 0 mph


View attachment 493021
is this on your page of targets to download ? great target ! good shooting ! i think shooting indoors is sometimes harder the outside , first is all the distracting stuff in your sight line . Second is the target is so close unless your a Field target shooter and set up for that .
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Today at the the end of my tin of 16 grain Zans, i was often leaning back in the chair in the shed, and just feeling mighty full of myself.
Those 5 dot pistol targets, even if i have a 30 X scope, if i hit the black i can not see that, so when i see no change i just assume it is in there, and as the other targets in the pic and other papers i also shot indicate, assumption is the mother of all Fkups, CUZ quite a few of the other targets was like ??????? Okay so where are my other 3 shots at this. 😁

On Saturday i shot 18 of my 2" shoot N see targets at 93 M / 100 yards, those was soon gone CUZ when you hit that much a 2" target are soon Swiss Cheese.
Worst of all i dispatched of those with a tin of 13 gr JSB KO, which appear to shoot really well in the Two.
Also played around with those shooting other things so the 400 slugs was soon gone, and whats worse it was my last tin of 13 gr KO, and now i think i want to buy some more of those too.

I grabbed this video in disbelief, CUZ what i saw in my scope + heard from the FX APP on my phone, well i did not expect to get what i got.

Today at the the end of my tin of 16 grain Zans, i was often leaning back in the chair in the shed, and just feeling mighty full of myself.
Those 5 dot pistol targets, even if i have a 30 X scope, if i hit the black i can not see that, so when i see no change i just assume it is in there, and as the other targets in the pic and other papers i also shot indicate, assumption is the mother of all Fkups, CUZ quite a few of the other targets was like ??????? Okay so where are my other 3 shots at this. 😁

On Saturday i shot 18 of my 2" shoot N see targets at 93 M / 100 yards, those was soon gone CUZ when you hit that much a 2" target are soon Swiss Cheese.
Worst of all i dispatched of those with a tin of 13 gr JSB KO, which appear to shoot really well in the Two.
Also played around with those shooting other things so the 400 slugs was soon gone, and whats worse it was my last tin of 13 gr KO, and now i think i want to buy some more of those too.

I grabbed this video in disbelief, CUZ what i saw in my scope + heard from the FX APP on my phone, well i did not expect to get what i got.

love the look of your backstop , spectacular ! nice shooting @ 100 YD. (maybe you should frame it and put on the wall o your shack ? )
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is this on your page of targets to download ? great target ! good shooting ! i think shooting indoors is sometimes harder the outside , first is all the distracting stuff in your sight line . Second is the target is so close unless your a Field target shooter and set up for that .
Hello @beerthief

Yes it is but the correct name/label is 10-Meter Air Pistol MOA Target No.1.
I had to shoot indoors at 15-feet so I wrote over the original name to cover up the "10-meter" wording.

Stan I posted the pdf file below for you to download.

This is a fun 10-meter Pistol target to shoot, enjoy.


View attachment 10-Meter Air Pistol MOA Target no.1.pdf
Hello @beerthief

Yes it is but the correct name/label is 10-Meter Air Pistol MOA Target No.1.
I had to shoot indoors at 15-feet so I wrote over the original name to cover up the "10-meter" wording.

Stan I posted the pdf file below for you to download.

This is a fun 10-meter Pistol target to shoot, enjoy.


View attachment 493042
printing now , thanks ThomasT
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Gotta replace that fridge soon :), it have holes i can almost put my arm thru.
There is also a earth berm behind it all, but it is not as tall as the fridge.

BTW like some build houses of / with glass bottles, me and my M8 have talked if we should make at least part of a wall with empty tins, CUZ they got to have at least some insulating effect.
+ it of course also set the mood

Also thinking hard about a sign to put on the shed, i am along the lines of a raw plank of wood with the writing burned into it.
  • Haha
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Today at the the end of my tin of 16 grain Zans, i was often leaning back in the chair in the shed, and just feeling mighty full of myself.
Those 5 dot pistol targets, even if i have a 30 X scope, if i hit the black i can not see that, so when i see no change i just assume it is in there, and as the other targets in the pic and other papers i also shot indicate, assumption is the mother of all Fkups, CUZ quite a few of the other targets was like ??????? Okay so where are my other 3 shots at this. 😁

On Saturday i shot 18 of my 2" shoot N see targets at 93 M / 100 yards, those was soon gone CUZ when you hit that much a 2" target are soon Swiss Cheese.
Worst of all i dispatched of those with a tin of 13 gr JSB KO, which appear to shoot really well in the Two.
Also played around with those shooting other things so the 400 slugs was soon gone, and whats worse it was my last tin of 13 gr KO, and now i think i want to buy some more of those too.

I grabbed this video in disbelief, CUZ what i saw in my scope + heard from the FX APP on my phone, well i did not expect to get what i got.

Hello @Peashooter

That is some crazy good shooting at that yardage with the .177. You need to get yourself a Golf Cart to make that 100-yard run and then return :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

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My friend do have a Cheapo ATV, also at least one no longer cutting ride on mower.
But like everything he got,,,,
Today the snowpeak i fixed a few days ago broke again, this time the knob for the cocking broke off, i dont think that is salvageable as i have never had to get a that small snapped bolt out of a hole.

At least i have learned to put up more targets now, maybe as a result of i have never owned so many 2" sticker targets.
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Today at the the end of my tin of 16 grain Zans, i was often leaning back in the chair in the shed, and just feeling mighty full of myself.
Those 5 dot pistol targets, even if i have a 30 X scope, if i hit the black i can not see that, so when i see no change i just assume it is in there, and as the other targets in the pic and other papers i also shot indicate, assumption is the mother of all Fkups, CUZ quite a few of the other targets was like ??????? Okay so where are my other 3 shots at this. 😁

On Saturday i shot 18 of my 2" shoot N see targets at 93 M / 100 yards, those was soon gone CUZ when you hit that much a 2" target are soon Swiss Cheese.
Worst of all i dispatched of those with a tin of 13 gr JSB KO, which appear to shoot really well in the Two.
Also played around with those shooting other things so the 400 slugs was soon gone, and whats worse it was my last tin of 13 gr KO, and now i think i want to buy some more of those too.

I grabbed this video in disbelief, CUZ what i saw in my scope + heard from the FX APP on my phone, well i did not expect to get what i got.

Those are very impressive 100yd groups despite the mountain range shaped shot string! I can only imagine how much tighter your groups will be when you get a tune that flattens it out! Holy moly peashooter!
Well i am not going to be the one complaining about my Two. THB i dont get why more are not buying these.
Just saw My airgun range put up a new video with his Two, shooting cans out to 500 yards, though missing by a hair at 500.

But it would be nice to be able to shoot something a bit heavier for the i assume stronger wind bucking features of that, so i would be able to shoot more and at least maintain the same accuracy in higher winds or if i somehow became able to, longer distances.

But the 134 or so yards i have at the MAX, it still have room for improvement on the part of the happy go lucky .177 shooter

Next time i shoot groups out far, i am going to do like viking airgunner do, flip the paper around and make 5 little dots on the back, CUZ i can see holes in brighter colored paper at the MAX distance, well at least in the daytime.
I like reading about these adventures , but i just do not see why i would do this far of shooting ? Still i like to read about others , Keep shooting guy's !
I am with @beerthief up to a point, However to me if a shot is not repeatable 4 out of 5 shots, time after time, it just doesn't make any sense. I have no desire to see an "accidental" hit.

I was shooting ARA Benchrest Unlimited targets at 25-Yards with my Avenger-X .177.

Rifle - Avenge-X PCP .177 (Base Model: Power Setting Low)

Class: PCP Air gun

Ammo: AA 10.3 Field Heavy Sorted to 10.2 Lubricated

Optic: Vortex Crossfire II 6 to 18

Front Rest: Bald Eagle Front Rest with Sinclair Bag Rider

Rear: Protektor #13 Rear Bag and Custom Bag Rider

Scored 1950 in .177 and 1925 scored .22

The weather was 88-degrees Fahrenheit with about 80% humidity. There was a slight 0 to 5 mph wind. It varied in direction but was largely a cross wind.

The rifle is stock, and there are no tweaks to the gun. The bottle started the day at full capacity. I took a couple of shots to sight in the rifle. The shots all remained on the regulator. Tank pressure started at just under 300 bar. The regular was about 1800 psi. Low Power Setting.

Avengx 2550 1950 090124.jpg

Today at the the end of my tin of 16 grain Zans, i was often leaning back in the chair in the shed, and just feeling mighty full of myself.
Those 5 dot pistol targets, even if i have a 30 X scope, if i hit the black i can not see that, so when i see no change i just assume it is in there, and as the other targets in the pic and other papers i also shot indicate, assumption is the mother of all Fkups, CUZ quite a few of the other targets was like ??????? Okay so where are my other 3 shots at this. 😁

On Saturday i shot 18 of my 2" shoot N see targets at 93 M / 100 yards, those was soon gone CUZ when you hit that much a 2" target are soon Swiss Cheese.
Worst of all i dispatched of those with a tin of 13 gr JSB KO, which appear to shoot really well in the Two.
Also played around with those shooting other things so the 400 slugs was soon gone, and whats worse it was my last tin of 13 gr KO, and now i think i want to buy some more of those too.

I grabbed this video in disbelief, CUZ what i saw in my scope + heard from the FX APP on my phone, well i did not expect to get what i got.

That's some fine Shootin!
Well i am not going to be the one complaining about my Two. THB i dont get why more are not buying these.
Just saw My airgun range put up a new video with his Two, shooting cans out to 500 yards, though missing by a hair at 500.

But it would be nice to be able to shoot something a bit heavier for the i assume stronger wind bucking features of that, so i would be able to shoot more and at least maintain the same accuracy in higher winds or if i somehow became able to, longer distances.

But the 134 or so yards i have at the MAX, it still have room for improvement on the part of the happy go lucky .177 shooter

Next time i shoot groups out far, i am going to do like viking airgunner do, flip the paper around and make 5 little dots on the back, CUZ i can see holes in brighter colored paper at the MAX distance, well at least in the daytime.
I heard the Epics are somehow related to Taipan, not sure but they shoot similarly which is lights out consistent! I live about 20 minutes from EdgunWest who carries Epic's....I haven't gone because I would probably pick one up even though I don't NEED one...😂