What Paper Target Did You Shoot Today

Hello everyone,

Started shooting early this morning and it was almost too cold ... 53f degrees 🥶and absolutely dead calm. This is my best target and came really close to having five One-Hole targets, but choked on that last one 🤪. However still shot a perfect score of 250 so this puts a big smile on my face for the day 😛.

Hello everyone,

Conditions just way too perfect so I had to challenge myself to one more target. I took a 10-Meter Pistol target and set it up on the 10-Meter range and shot this with my Airacuda MAX .22 cal rifle. Cannot believe that first shot, not a good start. However I recovered with a score of 359 out of a possible 360 and hit 32 out of the 36 Bulls.

The bright Sun is now right in the shooting window so I will wait and shoot some more this afternoon.

Hello everyone,

I hope this day never ends, it is so perfect with beautiful cool no wind conditions and my pellets are finding the targets 😛 . Now shooting the lighter weight pellets ( .22cal JSB Jumbo Express 14.35gr ) but have them pretty well zeroed in on this Challenge Skill Target :D.

With over 300 pellets now down the barrel of this new rifle, I believe it is getting "seasoned in" a bit. Shot this target and only made a couple of "one-click" adjustments to the scope;).

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Thomas! You have really been on your game..excellent cards there!
Hello @Ranchibi

Thank you sir it is fun shooting today,

This is why I like shooting paper targets so much to improve on my skills, you have a "record" of what you are doing and have done. Look at my last target. Shot No.1, high left....I made one-click right adjustment to my scope. Now look at shot No.2, high but almost dead center. I made a one-click down adjustment to the scope. Shot No.3 almost dead center and so with the remaining shots. This kind of information is so important to me and I will keep and study that target before shooting the next target. Being old and a bit slow, I need all the help that I can get 👨‍🦳😮‍💨

Hello everyone,

Even more perfect-er :unsure: weather, 63f degrees, dead calm, and completely overcast making the paper targets stand out like they are over sized. Shot a warm up target ( 10-Meter Rifle Target ) and shot five “one-hole” Bulls.

Decided to start the “4-Card Challenge” with this new rifle being it is shooting so well now. Set up Target Number One and shot a perfect 90 score on it. Next I set up Target Number Two and got lucky by shooting a Perfect Score of 250 on it.

I have to make a run into town but will try and shoot Target Number Three later today. I am loving this beautiful Fall weather, hope it stays like this for another 6 months :love:.

Hello everyone,

Got back from town and the conditions have changed, wind 10-15mph and the sun right into my shooting window. I shot this test target and even though I did shoot a 192 score, my grouping is off too much to try the Target Number Three.

Decided to try out the JTS pellets I bought for my RAW. But I'm shooting my BRK Atomic pistol indoors. I had an idea POI would shift from my zero with JSB 15.89 but I was curious. The JTS are the 20.07 gr 22 cal. The top left target is 5 shots straight from can — unsorted. The other 4 targets are my sorted JSB 15.89 that do very well in this Atomic. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the JTS does well at 25 yards indoors this winter. By the way, there wasn't much shift in POI with the JTS at this close distance.

Decided to try out the JTS pellets I bought for my RAW. But I'm shooting my BRK Atomic pistol indoors. I had an idea POI would shift from my zero with JSB 15.89 but I was curious. The JTS are the 20.07 gr 22 cal. The top left target is 5 shots straight from can — unsorted. The other 4 targets are my sorted JSB 15.89 that do very well in this Atomic. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the JTS does well at 25 yards indoors this winter. By the way, there wasn't much shift in POI with the JTS at this close distance.

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Hello @rsfrid

Well Ross that group looks very good against all the other groups. I am anxious to get my order in and do a lot of comparing. No outdoor shooting for me today, we are getting more, very much needed, rain.

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It’s a bit windy here today but I managed to shoot two cards. First with the Challenger. I tried wad cutters but the wind wasn’t allowing that so I shot mostly with domed.

Then I was checking my 25Y zero with the Atomic because we are going pigeon blasting Friday. Using CPHPs which are minute of pigeon. Other pellets shoot more accurately but I hate to waste good lead on flying rats.

It’s a bit windy here today but I managed to shoot two cards. First with the Challenger. I tried wad cutters but the wind wasn’t allowing that so I shot mostly with domed.
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Then I was checking my 25Y zero with the Atomic because we are going pigeon blasting Friday. Using CPHPs which are minute of pigeon. Other pellets shoot more accurately but I hate to waste good lead on flying rats.

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Hello @igolfat8

That Challenger shoots the "eyes" out of those Bulls (y) . And it looks like a long day ahead for those flying rats 😛.

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Hello everyone,

Shooting the Four Card Challenge this morning in again near perfect conditions. Shooting Target Number Three with a change in the pellets. Ran out of the JSB 14.35gr on another target this morning so I was forced to use the next closest weight pellet which is the Crosman Domed Ultra Magnum 14.3gr. As you can see at the bottom on the Sighters it took me over 10 shots to get the scope dialed in but finally did and the Ole Crosman’s shoot pretty dog-gone good. I missed the perfect score of 400 by just ONE shot :mad:. I viewed the shot with a .22 Plug Gauge and boy it is close 🤪, but close doesn’t count on this card. Well this gives me something to shoot at this afternoon or tomorrow.

Well that is what i would expect at 25 yards, but i am pretty sure none of my rifles will give me.

Its a funny thing with me and short distances, i can put pellet after pellet thru the same hole in a sheet of wood, but put a paper up on the same wood and i struggle to hit the X

I am OK missing with a inch at the long distance, but at 25 Y i would desperately grab at my .22 long hair to try and pull some of it out when i miss with a few mm.
And i often miss with that much if i shoot at paper.
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Hello everyone,

Another beautiful afternoon perfect shooting conditions, 73f and zero winds. So I shot several "no score" targets just for fun and test the Crosman pellets. Shot 10 rounds right out of the Tin and then 10 rounds that I Sized to 5.53. These pellets are the most consistence that I have ever pushed through the Sizer, they all fell into the chamber almost to the bottom. Then the final push they all felt exactlly the same. Then I shot this 10-Meter Air Gun Challenge target and really close POI. Next target 5-shots almost all in one hole on all five Bulls with right out of the Tin pellets. Close groups for both pellets.

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Well that is what i would expect at 25 yards, but i am pretty sure none of my rifles will give me.

Its a funny thing with me and short distances, i can put pellet after pellet thru the same hole in a sheet of wood, but put a paper up on the same wood and i struggle to hit the X

I am OK missing with a inch at the long distance, but at 25 Y i would desperately grab at my .22 long hair to try and pull some of it out when i miss with a few mm.
And i often miss with that much if i shoot at paper.
Hello @Peashooter

You have the dreaded "Paper Target Syndrome" 😛 :D :love: . Not to worry, everybody get a case of it from time to time.

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