I wanted to work on correcting the tendency of RH shots to hit to the left of POA and of LH shots to hit to the right of POA, which was clear in the previous photo (as well as something I had noticed for a long time). I shot two of these targets today, same details as before, including two-handed hold in all cases.
The first target shows that I did indeed correct the side-to-side biases. Too bad that elevation didn't get the same attention.
The second target shows that I managed to continue improvement of the LH shots. BUT my RH shots went to h3ll.
Frustrated, I switched to shooting a pellet tin propped inside a soup can with its open end toward me, from 33'. The RH bugaboo persisted until I figured out that when shooting RH, my head tends to scrunch downward a bit, and my shooting arm then also points slightly downward. When I consciously stopped doing that, the shots immediately hit either the exact POA or very close to it. The scrunching doesn't happen on my left side. (I am right-eye dominant and right-hand dominant.)
The hard part will be paying scrupulous attention to everything, both sides, any target, while also fixing this habit. What a head game...
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