Maybe Thomas Produced Rest? TFR would be Thomas Fabricated Rest...OK, Thomas, I’ll bite … what is a TPR? Perhaps it’s Thomas’ Petite Rifle?
Hello @igolfat8OK, Thomas, I’ll bite … what is a TPR? Perhaps it’s Thomas’ Petite Rifle?
Hello @Dead-OnShot this with my camera today. Unfortunately that's all I could shoot.
Hello everyone,
OK shot the balance of the Wadcutter pellets that I have in stock and again very pleased how well the Bandit shot these pellets. If I had zeroed the scope with the Crosman and then shot this target I believe that would have resulted in “all 10's” score. However to NO surprise the QYS pellets shot almost perfect but for every day shooting they are way too expensive.
Range: 15 - Feet Indoors
Pistol: Diana Bandit .177 caliber modified w/Buck Rail AR Conversion & Grip
Scope: Hawke Vantage 2-7x32
Pellets: see above
Position: Bench with TPR and rear Bag
View attachment 515017
Hello @manabeknivesHi Thomas
The Diana seems to like those Qys's ..the crossmans seem nice and consistent too
weird flyer on the daisey's to hit at 9 oclock
RWS field line looks really poor
Kinda nice to see that the crossmans and Qys are almost on the same level in that pistol
Looking good
Hello @igolfat8Thomas have you shot the lower cost QYS practice pellets? I remember they shot nearly as accurately from my Crosman Challenger rifle as their highest priced Olympic pellets. Their domes shot pretty well too if my memory is correct?
Nice shooting @drpietrzakI had the TX200 out. It has a FAC spring with a spacer as well. It usually is shooting 50-yards. Here is it shooting 50-feet (16.6 yards) using A-17 targets.
View attachment 515034
Hello @igolfat8
No I have not, in fact I didn't know they made a less expensive line. Where did you find them? And yes, I have shot their domed pellets out to 25-yards and they were dead on accurate.