What Paper Target Did You Shoot Today

OK, folks. First time with @ThomasT target. Shot my Atomic XR PISTOL 😏 at 7 yards in basement. Still too cold for outside. The ones I figured were X's are the ones entirely inside the 10 ring.

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Wow Ross, that is some powerful shooting and number 4 was dead center (y)

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Getting my Maverick back from a 4 month repair that should have been a 2 week repair at most.
Well i threw in the new Heavy liner, and went shooting on Sunday.

But ! this really was a nightmare and reminded me strongly about the rifle when it was new.
First of all somehow the slugs was clipping my moderator, and so would on occasions leave the rifle with a whine and go to god know where.
When they did not do t hat ( well at least not as bad ) well lets just say a 5 shot group on 50 M was CTC of 1000 mm and with one of the pellets not even hitting the rather large target ( a fridge 1 X 2 M in size ) ( 20 gr Zan @ 900 FPS )

So i yanked off the moderator, and then things started to work a little, and i was able to get 20 gr Zan to fly at least as good as i can out of the standard barrel, but on the day there was more wind than forecast so for sure things was drifting too. but still not in any predictable way so for sure wind or not things are not optimal with this barrel compared to what i have seen other .177 shooters do with the Heavy barrel on even larger distances.

I also tried 16 gr Zan and 13 gr Zan and KO slugs, and really the lighter the worse with slugs, and i mean 13 grain was like OMG all over the place. but just a 150 mm CTC or so.
10.43 gr Air arms field heavy, well shoot fine, and so did 13.43 monster redesigns.

Anyway as i got the 20gr Zans to sort of worked, i moved out to the 75 M i usually shoot, put up some 2" shoot N see targets and set off.
First target i decided to shoot it until i had annihilated the red dot in the middle, with the wind not least on 75M and the not overly well performing barrel, well i needed at least 40 shots to remove the red in the middle.
And as you can see not much order in the shots, the wind was gusting from behind and as i shoot up hill, i think the ones below the target are wind related, the other ones that missed i have no idea.


The next target i shot, i decided to just do a 5 shot group, and paid more attention to the gusting winds.
Here i managed to NIX the red dot in the #5 shot, and have a not too bad CTC for 5 shots, and the grouping make sense.


One thing is for sure, next time i go shooting i am bringing the standard barrel, CUZ the way lighter slugs performed for me in the Heavy liner, well i have little hopes for that to get better, so a new liner just to be able to shoot 20 gr slugs,,,,, a bit expensive.
I feel like the FX barrel lottery, not much luck in it for me.
I will have a fellow shooter ( viking airgunner ) test my 700 mm heavy barrel in his gun if he can be bothered, but really it is strange.

Probing the barrel when i got it, it is very hard going for the first 2-3 " of the barrel, then for the middle part you only press very little, until you get to the forward end of the barrel where it again choke in the last 2" or so.
None of my other barrels are that "choked" in the feed end, you only have to overcome the initial seating of the slug, then its fairly even until you reach the choke in the front.

My next rifle will not be a FX one simple too much work and cost to get shooting well ( initially i had to get a new barrel CUZ the factory 600 mm one did not really like shooting anything over 600 FPS )
Also a cocking handle snapping like mine did,,,, WTF
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Getting my Maverick back from a 4 month repair that should have been a 2 week repair at most.
Well i threw in the new Heavy liner, and went shooting on Sunday.

But ! this really was a nightmare and reminded me strongly about the rifle when it was new.
First of all somehow the slugs was clipping my moderator, and so would on occasions leave the rifle with a whine and go to god know where.
When they did not do t hat ( well at least not as bad ) well lets just say a 5 shot group on 50 M was CTC of 1000 mm and with one of the pellets not even hitting the rather large target ( a fridge 1 X 2 M in size ) ( 20 gr Zan @ 900 FPS )

So i yanked off the moderator, and then things started to work a little, and i was able to get 20 gr Zan to fly at least as good as i can out of the standard barrel, but on the day there was more wind than forecast so for sure things was drifting too. but still not in any predictable way so for sure wind or not things are not optimal with this barrel compared to what i have seen other .177 shooters do with the Heavy barrel on even larger distances.

I also tried 16 gr Zan and 13 gr Zan and KO slugs, and really the lighter the worse with slugs, and i mean 13 grain was like OMG all over the place. but just a 150 mm CTC or so.
10.43 gr Air arms field heavy, well shoot fine, and so did 13.43 monster redesigns.

Anyway as i got the 20gr Zans to sort of worked, i moved out to the 75 M i usually shoot, put up some 2" shoot N see targets and set off.
First target i decided to shoot it until i had annihilated the red dot in the middle, with the wind not least on 75M and the not overly well performing barrel, well i needed at least 40 shots to remove the red in the middle.
And as you can see not much order in the shots, the wind was gusting from behind and as i shoot up hill, i think the ones below the target are wind related, the other ones that missed i have no idea.

View attachment 347239

The next target i shot, i decided to just do a 5 shot group, and paid more attention to the gusting winds.
Here i managed to NIX the red dot in the #5 shot, and have a not too bad CTC for 5 shots, and the grouping make sense.

View attachment 347240

One thing is for sure, next time i go shooting i am bringing the standard barrel, CUZ the way lighter slugs performed for me in the Heavy liner, well i have little hopes for that to get better, so a new liner just to be able to shoot 20 gr slugs,,,,, a bit expensive.
I feel like the FX barrel lottery, not much luck in it for me.
I will have a fellow shooter ( viking airgunner ) test my 700 mm heavy barrel in his gun if he can be bothered, but really it is strange.

Probing the barrel when i got it, it is very hard going for the first 2-3 " of the barrel, then for the middle part you only press very little, until you get to the forward end of the barrel where it again choke in the last 2" or so.
None of my other barrels are that "choked" in the feed end, you only have to overcome the initial seating of the slug, then its fairly even until you reach the choke in the front.

My next rifle will not be a FX one simple too much work and cost to get shooting well ( initially i had to get a new barrel CUZ the factory 600 mm one did not really like shooting anything over 600 FPS )
Also a cocking handle snapping like mine did,,,, WTF
Hello @Peashooter

Some nice long range shooting.

14 and 21 weren't bad either. Thanks, Thomas. I'm liking this target and will try at 25 yards Saturday (or maybe Dottie will 🙄).
Hello @rsfrid

I am on my way to go do some 10-meter targets and will see if I can put every shot dead center :D :p:love::ROFLMAO: OR hit anywhere on the paper.

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Hello everyone,

Well Ross @rsfrid, I hit the paper :D . Surely not my best effort but at least I did score a 250 with 6 X's and this was my best card out of two shot this afternoon.

Rifle: Crosman Challenger
Pellet: H&N Finale Match Heavy 8.18gr
Distance: 10 Meters
Wind: 5 to 10mph

Challenger .9.jpg
Hello everyone,

Well Ross @rsfrid, I hit the paper :D . Surely not my best effort but at least I did score a 250 with 6 X's and this was my best card out of two shot this afternoon.

Rifle: Crosman Challenger
Pellet: H&N Finale Match Heavy 8.18gr
Distance: 10 Meters
Wind: 5 to 10mph

View attachment 347251
Not too bad! But then you are using a much longer gun! 🫢🙄😏
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Reactions: ThomasT
Hello everyone,

Well Ross @rsfrid, I hit the paper :D . Surely not my best effort but at least I did score a 250 with 6 X's and this was my best card out of two shot this afternoon.

Rifle: Crosman Challenger
Pellet: H&N Finale Match Heavy 8.18gr
Distance: 10 Meters
Wind: 5 to 10mph

View attachment 347251
I'm thinking your first shot was darned near perfect. Then what happened? 🙄😅🤣😂🫢
Hello everyone,

Got an early start on shooting this morning because we are supposed to have more wind today. Only shot one card but managed to get a 250 score.

Rifle: Crosman Challenger
Pellet: H&N Finale Match Heavy 8.18gr
Distance: 10-Meters
Wind: calm

Challenger .10.jpg
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Getting my PP700SA 25 cal going again. I probably haven't shot it in 1.5 years. Just a short distance and I remembered the reg needs about 10 sec to be ready.

Hello @Florida_Man

That is great that you have dusted off the gun and shot some paper today.

Hello everyone,

Crazy weather with early light showers and now winds 12 to 15mph but just enough time for me to shoot several targets. These are my two Big Bang Pellet Traps mounted on the roll around wood frame and leaning because I did not put a brick under the low side, this caused me to have to reset for every shot 😵 .

Rifle: Crosman Challenger
Pellets: H&N Finale Match 8.18gr
Distance: 10-Meters
Winds: 12 to 15 mph

Hello everyone,

I mounted a Bi-pod on my Brocock Commander XR and after making a real mess on the number one target trying to zero in the scope, I wound up shooting a good target. The Picatinny Rail does not have any MOA adjustment built into it so this scope does not have enough "Up" to zero to the center of the crosshairs. I have to aim at the center of the "8" ring to hit the bullseye 🤪😜. I have a set of adjustable rings on order and that will correct this problem.

Rifle: Brocock Commander XR .177
Pellet: JSB Exact Heavy 10.34gr
Distance: 10-Meters
Wind: 10-15mph

Brocock Commander XR .2.jpg
Hello everyone,

Perfect weather to shoot except for the crazy winds from all directions but was still able to shoot two cards with great results.

First shot several “practice targets” to get warmed up and zero the scope using Air Arms Falcon, 4.52mm 7.33gr domed pellets. This first card, "General Target”, shot all POI’s within the Black Circle except for a few.

The second card I shot using Wadcutter pellets and did not re-zero the scope. Shot 10-rounds at each target with H&N Finale Match Heavy 8.18gr pellets. The measurement shown by each target is the maximum outside to outside dimension. As you can see, the flat face wadcutters were effected a lot more by the wind than the domed pellets, but still close grouping.

Rifle: Crosman Challenger
Pellets: see above
Distance: 10-Meters
Wind: 12-15 with gust to 24

Challenger .11.jpg
Challenger .12.jpg