What pistol did you shoot today

I just attached my new Huben3dparts.com rear picatinny mount and the rear carbine stock I got from them. Easy process to install the new rear mount and in about 5 seconds you can mount it on and in a couple of seconds remove it with the quick release lever. This gives you 3 points of stability which great with the Huben GK1 .25 as it has the power even in just medium tune of 810 FPS to shoot accurately and out to 50 yards! Try that with a pistol with less than 500 FPS :) The semi-auto feature is just great, not a novelty but what most would expect with a powder burner and now it is finally available in the air pistol realm!

GK1 carbine attached.jpg

GK1 carbine stock unattached.jpg


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    GK1 carbine folded.jpg
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As I have a habit of doing, I swapped sights on a couple of my guns today.
While this is an older picture, I put a few magazines through my Tequila Gun today. Both setting the new sight, and just shooting.
The change in sights, it's still a Holosun, but it's flat top, with a green dot. Note - that it's also got an experimental, Tequila Gun suppressor on it now.


Sorry no pictures, but I shot 4 of the 6 P17s I still own indoors at 10 meters. Worse than MOA at that distance... (heavy sigh)

The P17s are all capable of sub-MOA at that distance, but I am not, using the sights that come with the guns.

At one time, I could... just not now.

Hence my thread about recommendations for a scope or red-dot for pistols.

All my best!

Baikal MP-654K.
Supposed to be a BB gun but it has a rifled barrel (which never made any sense to me).
Ran a magazine of copper coated lead BBs through it for kicks. BBs arenā€™t very accurate but at least they allow semiautomatic firing.
Then hand loaded pellets into the breech one by one (canā€™t stuff pellets into a BB magazine šŸ™‚) and stepped back to 10 yards. Very accurate! What a difference with pellets ā€¦ now you can actually hit what youā€™re aiming at!

How precise is the Ruger MK IV benched? Just curious? Be Well, B.
Well, it's not very accurate in my two-handed hold, maybe because it is so light that it jumps around easily, and trying to keep a consistent hold is tricky. Not tried it rested though.
By my rough estimate, this is about 10 ounces lighter than the real pistol, so I am going to cram as much lead as possible into the voids in the frame, behind the grips, and hopefully a cylindrical lining around the inner barrel.
Maybe that will reduce the twitchynes and help with the accuracy!
Having finally put the last, finishing touch on my .22 Brocock Sniper XR rifle-to-convertible conversion by covering the unfinished silver pistol-barrel shroud with matte-black heat-shrink in order to avoid hours of applying a good spray finish, of course I had to shoot the finished pistol to celebrate the long project. The heat-shrink does a good job of emulating a nice spray finish, yet is easily removed if wanted.

The (FINALLY) finished pistol-

Snipr pistol final.jpg

In pistol form designed to shine in Extreme Pistol Field Target competitions, that means shooting from sitting on a stool, with the pistol on a bipod. Trust me, it's much harder than you think. But the five-shot fifty-yard group with the finished pistol ties the best group I've achieved with a pistol from field target position. That's a dime, the fifty-yard group measures .75" center-to center, and it's right 'on the money' (a half-inch aiming spot)-

Sni Pis 75 at 50.jpg


The convertible in carbine form-

Sniper Converible.jpg
