Buying used and long-distance often being a crap-shoot, my passion for vintage airguns and scopes includes heart-warming surprises

interspersed with heart-breaking disappointments

. A .22 Falcon FN12 custom pistol I purchased a few years ago that arrived from the west-coast seller blown right through the end of the foam-lined hard case and the cardboard box containing both is a poignant example of heart-breaking disappointment.
Rescuing the unique custom classic entailed many hours, much creativity, and sacrificing the repeating function in order to salvage the one-of-a-kind custom classic (as a single-shot). Thankfully the result is a gorgeous PCP pistol that consistently averages 3/4 to 1" five-shot groups at 50 yards.
Fast forwarding to today, last weekends Ebay purchase of what appeared a clean example of one of my favorite rifle scopes of all time had me holding my breath as I unboxed the Japanese made 4-12X Bushnell Trophy today. Thankfully it proved one of those (too rare) heart-warming surprises;
LIKE NEW in all regards!
Upon mounting it on the resurrected Falcon custom and sighting in to be about an inch low a fifty yards, despite gusty left-to-right crosswinds five 18.1 grain FX-branded JSBs went into this immensely gratifying 3/4" center-to-center group-
A (3/4" diameter) penny for group size reference-
FWIW, I think the original Falcon FN12 and Japanese Bushnell Trophys are of similar vintage.