Just got this today and has a heavy trigger. Scope is going to take some getting used to.
Also scored this HW75. What a pleasure to shoot. Amazing trigger. Crow
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Shot this 2 days ago, my 1st custom bulk CO2 handgun I made when I was stationed in 1974 NAS Cubi Point Philppines. Wow 50+ years in this hubby, lol.75 pages of fun! A great hobby. Be Well Brothers, dito.
Yes the HW 75 P2 are great funBalmy 22F. sunny. Morning shoot with2 new pistols a HW70 BlackArrow. I have it with iron sights and liked it to score it with a scope. Great pistol.View attachment 518136Next up a HW75. Night and day difference between the two. View attachment 518137Is this pistol ever smooth. Glad I shot it after the 70. Crow