More like the Gulf of Mexico came for a visit….Yikes!! lots of humidity there . nice set of pistols
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More like the Gulf of Mexico came for a visit….Yikes!! lots of humidity there . nice set of pistols
The first inundation was a big surprise….that’s where we lost all the vehicles, motorcycles, lawn maintenance stuff, stationery tools…lathe, table saw, jointer, etc.. spent the whole next week cleaning, throwing out my stuff,pressure washing. The second inundation I was Very Prepared. No additional loss during Milton. Thank the Lord the house is on piers...lots of folks weren’t so fortunate. Anyway…getting the shop rearranged…lots more space now. My wife bought me a new pellet trap for Christmas, so naturally I had to try it out. The FWB 90 is awesome as always…the 850 is needing new seals….off to Mr Slade to work his magic. The Compact is like a Timex….I use the H&N 7 gr wadcutters in all my target pistols…they work great for my ability. Thanks for the shout out…JohnJohn Taylor, it must be a tall hill to climb to get that water mess fixed up. Those air pistols look good though. There's fun to be had in pitting one against the other though. Guess I need to do that today. Most of mine are not that notable of shooters. I do have a Diana 6M. Need to buy a new supply of quality match pellets for them. It has been a while. Be Well Brothers, dito.
Balmy, that 38°Diana 6G ,open sights , 10 pellets @ 50 feet , could not possibly even use the word group ! 38 degrees and 10 to 15 MPH wind in my face .
EDIT wind chill = 30 F
The "balmy, that 38° " characterization was humor and opposite the definition of 'balmy weather' which is fairly warm and pleasant. Temps in the 30's coupled with wind chill is the oposite of balmy, bone soaking cold really.Do you mean barmy?
1. behaving strangely, or very silly: 2. behaving strangely, or very
Apologies, I got your joke, I was trying to join in with the humour. Maybe my British version doesn't cross the pond so we'll.The "balmy, that 38° " characterization was humor and opposite the definition of 'balmy weather' which is fairly warm and pleasant. Temps in the 30's coupled with wind chill is the oposite of balmy, bone soaking cold really.
I agree "the most relaxing pistol " such a pure pleasure to shoot . Can play ELR @ 75 feet !70° in central Kalifornia this afternoon. Should be in the 50°s, never seen this in all my years. No time for a long walk with the dog and the Huben today so I spent a half hour with the IZH 46. It's still the most relaxing pistol I have. Every time I shoot it I'm thankful that Tim and LD twisted my arm enough so that it went home with me.