What pistol did you shoot today

Whenever I'm out hiking/camping I like to carry some minimal airgun to discourage varmits (typically snakes). So far, that has been a modified M712. Good power, reliable, and select fire, it's been very effective. In fact it's actually been overkill.
I normally shoot pellet guns, but find that I prefer certain BB guns for this application.
This time I figured I'd give the Umarex Colt Defender a try. Here's what I've discovered so far ...

It's small, simple, all metal, spits out steel BBs at ~350fps, over 100 shots/cylinder, and inexpensive.
No removable mag (slow reloading), double action only, ridiculously heavy trigger, less accurate than the M712 (but expected from a short barrel).
I replaced the spring (by removing the barrel front cover) with a lighter one from the hardware store.
This significantly reduced the trigger pull to a much more acceptable level. I imagine this will lessen internal stresses & wear as well.

Out of the box, the trigger was the worst I've ever felt. Absolutely terrible.
But with the lighter spring it's totally different. Much better. I'm happy with it now.
Amazing what such a simple mod can make.

It's not blowback and none of the controls are functional, just molded in, so it's very basic.
For me, that means less to break out in the woods :)
Let's see how it goes.

Whenever I'm out hiking/camping I like to carry some minimal airgun to discourage varmits (typically snakes). So far, that has been a modified M712. Good power, reliable, and select fire, it's been very effective. In fact it's actually been overkill.
I normally shoot pellet guns, but find that I prefer certain BB guns for this application.
This time I figured I'd give the Umarex Colt Defender a try. Here's what I've discovered so far ...

It's small, simple, all metal, spits out steel BBs at ~350fps, over 100 shots/cylinder, and inexpensive.
No removable mag (slow reloading), double action only, ridiculously heavy trigger, less accurate than the M712 (but expected from a short barrel).
I replaced the spring (by removing the barrel front cover) with a lighter one from the hardware store.
This significantly reduced the trigger pull to a much more acceptable level. I imagine this will lessen internal stresses & wear as well.

Out of the box, the trigger was the worst I've ever felt. Absolutely terrible.
But with the lighter spring it's totally different. Much better. I'm happy with it now.
Amazing what such a simple mod can make.

It's not blowback and none of the controls are functional, just molded in, so it's very basic.
For me, that means less to break out in the woods :)
Let's see how it goes.

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Has the lighter spring reduced the fps?
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Only slightly. And not enough to effect the group size. I reckon if the spring were lighter this might become noticeable. Something to experiment with
I suspect the original spring was delivering a little too much gas for this short barrel. So some CO2 was wasted.
And a slightly lighter spring might be metering out just enough CO2 to push the BB out and no more, hence the minor drop in fps?
Just my guess.
i wanted to know
how many mags I can squeeze from one fill @310bars,
turned the power wheel probably all the way out and took one shot and realized oh poop,
let’s back that wheel up asap!!!
I ended up getting 4 mags @ 850plus fps using 7gr rws basic flat head…
shot 207
some powah this little gk1 can output just by twisting a little screw!!!
A few words on full auto operation.
The rate of fire on this M712 is really fast. Gotta be quick on the trigger or you will empty the whole mag before you know it.
I tried changing the bolt springs, adding weights to the hammer, etc., to slow it down a bit but to no avail. Redesigning the blowback cylinder would probably do it but that's a job for another day.
Fortunately it can also be set for semi-auto.

Anyway .... this thing is much like a machine tool with a "total loss" lube system. It'll wear out in no time if used in full auto without proper lube.
Aside from adding the usual drop of pellgun oil to the CO2 tip, I *liberally* apply good ol' Hoppes gun oil to the bolt.
Top, sides, and bottom (at the back near the hammer). Also a few drops of Hoppes down where the hammer hinges.
I apply a thin coat of heavy grease to the hammer face where the bolt strikes it, typically after shooting through 4-5 mags.
These surfaces slide against each other every time the bolt goes back and they're only made of a soft alloy. On real guns, such parts would be hardened steel and might even incorporate a roller bearing.
I don't quite drown the thing in oil and grease, but almost. On full auto that bolt is flying back and forth at a blinding speed.

There have been a few complaints the barrel shroud shaking loose. Same with the P08 Luger. In both cases I epoxied the barrel shroud in place and that proved to be a permanent fix.



Since I seem to be on a select-fire kick these days ....

KWC Mini Uzi. Quite hefty.
I would prefer more of it to be made of metal, but it seems to have plenty especially where needed.
Rear sight is windage adjustable, front sight is elevation adjustable. Teardown is much like the real thing, easy. Accuracy is pretty good in semi auto. Not so good in full auto due to that big slug of a bolt jumping back forth, although ... the flip-out stock is a tremendous help stabilizing everything. It's a gas hog, so you can expect a little more than one mag per CO2 cylinder. Even so, it's a lot of fun :)
I've run ~500 shots through it so far and no issues yet. Maybe too soon to tell?
I'm not normally a collector of BB guns, but I fear that someday these full-auto things might get banned or otherwise pulled. At least here in California.


.22 Duk Il Arms Hunting Master AR6.
Too old and shaky to give this sweetheart her due. 500+ FPS with Norma Precision FT 15.9. Seems like it could be very accurate in better hands than mine.

Had to modify the check valve, had an issue of not closing after filling and releasing all the air. I cut down a 10x1x90 hammer spring to just 3 coils and put it under the check valve cover on top of the closing weight. Works like it should. So I wonder if that spring was missing...

-- Matt

On my HW45 it’s just a barrel swap. No breech or anything like that to mess with
I think I can get a barrel. Thanks guys. I cleaned her up with wet and dry patches followed by cleaning pellets then shot three pellets. It stopped smoking by the second shot. Thanks guys, Be Well, B.