What pistol did you shoot today

The hardest part of changing the barrel on the HW45 is getting out the M3 screws that secure the clamp, they are socket head and have locking compound on the threads.
If the hexagon rounds off, they are an absolute b'stard to get out... 😭
Use a tight fitting hex key and soak the screws with penetrating oil beforehand.
Some good news is that most socket screws are hardened (like, a LOT) and less prone to stripping out.
But if they do, a Dremel with a cutting disk can grind a slot across the top, and a whack with a manual impact driver (those things that were needed to disassemble old Japanese motorcycles) will knock it loose.
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Use a tight fitting hex key and soak the screws with penetrating oil beforehand
And this seems to be commonplace these days … everything is dunked in loctite and torqued down by cave men. To the point where special caution or tools are required to do things that should take no more than a quick twist. Sorry, I’m on a rave. I’m old enough to remember when things were assembled with future maintenance in mind 🤔
After reading so many posts about the 1701 trigger group, I had to try it out. So my Crosman 1322 now has the 1701 trigger group and hammer.
What a difference! Very smooth and predictable. And if you get both the hammer and trigger group it’s a straight drop-in replacement.
Accuracy has significantly tightened up as well. I tried many of the available options for the trigger to smooth it up but none worked anywhere near as well as this 1701 conversion. I might do this to my 2240 too.

Got the Guarder metal kit for the Mini Uzi.
These parts are cast aluminum.
The Mini Uzi comes in an Airsoft version as well as the .177 BB gun shown here. Nobody seemed able (or willing) to confirm if this kit would fit the BB gun, nor could they detail what the differences in the two versions might be. Once again the buyer is on their own. But of course.

Although the gun is advertised as all metal, that's not true. The internals are metal and quite stout, as are some exterior details, but the upper & lower receiver housings are ABS plastic.
The aluminum upper comes in two halves, while the original plastic upper is one piece.


The metal parts omit the "Made In Taiwan" logo, and add other details.
Grip is in place on the new housing to check the fit ...


The first step in making the swap is getting the thing apart. All pretty straightforward until you get to the rear sight, which must be removed to pull the inner frame out. And the first step in getting the sight off is to remove the tiny oddball set screw shown below. This takes a 0.9mm hex key, nothing you'll find in any average hex key set. After all, it just wouldn't DO to use a more commonly available screw size.


After removing all the screws in the bottom of the plastic housing, the plastic must be flexed a bit to get the inner frame out. That's when you discover the elongated alignment pins cast into the housing. These fit into the metal inner frame and lock it into position. The housing must therefore be flexed to allow the frame to pass over these pins and come out.
Now it gets interesting.
The aluminum frame also has these pins. They're both cast in the right side upper receiver.
The metal housing is not going to flex like the plastic, and attempting to do so would probably break something.
Not a very well thought out design.


This shows the metal right side upper and the internals that have to mate up with it.
Note the two elongated pins and corresponding slots.


I filed this pin down to about 1/4 of it's original height. That limited the amount of flex needed to get everything to snap into place.
In retrospect I should have also filed down the other pin. As it stands, getting everything apart again means flexing that housing more than I feel comfortable doing. A better design would have been to eliminate these pins altogether and use several screws up through the bottom of the housing.


Next issue ... not all the holes are drilled correctly.
As shown below, one screw wants to go in crooked. Had to stretch the hole in the housing to get it to go in straight.
Always test fit stuff :)


To get the left side upper in position, the instructions (online, such as they are) say to remove two small round pins molded into the right side upper, and they indicate exactly which pins. I carefully filed them off. This isn't optional. Attempting to flex the housing over these pins will almost certainly crack the housing. Also, do not tighten up any screws until the left side is in position, this allows more wiggle room.

And finally, when everything was back together, the magazine wouldn't stay in. The mag latch didn't latch.
Oddly, it did when I assembled the lower receiver by itself.
But there's maybe 0.010" difference in the height of the plastic and aluminum lower housings, just enough that the mag tops out against the upper frame, and doesn't quite allow the latch to engage. Turned out to be an easy fix .... just filed a bit off the top of the mag latch.


Done. And working properly. Success!
Now it's an all-metal gun.


When they say it's not an easy kit, they're right. But that's not because it's complex, it's actually a pretty simple gun.
IMO the problem stems from the fact that the kit has a few basic flaws, which can be successfully managed IF one knows in advance.

Had a Makarov session at 6 yards at one of the clubs I am a member of. Quite pleased with my performance using Gamo lead bb's.

View attachment 532898
That's the steel Baikal, right? Mine always jams with lead BBs, but then I never tried Gamo's. So far I've only shot pellets (hand fed one at a time).
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That's the steel Baikal, right? Mine always jams with lead BBs, but then I never tried Gamo's. So far I've only shot pellets (hand fed one at a time).
Yes, all steel - the sound it makes when the slide catch is released is VERY METAL! I have tried the copper coated Excite Smart Shot, which are much cleaner than the Gamo's, but smaller and don't engage with the rifling, so are less accurate. It's not that any imparted spin is making the Gamo's more accurate, but I think it is that they are not 'bouncing' along the bore and exiting the muzzle at random angles.
Yes, all steel - the sound it makes when the slide catch is released is VERY METAL! I have tried the copper coated Excite Smart Shot, which are much cleaner than the Gamo's, but smaller and don't engage with the rifling, so are less accurate. It's not that any imparted spin is making the Gamo's more accurate, but I think it is that they are not 'bouncing' along the bore and exiting the muzzle at random angles.
I was wondering why the Smart Shot seemed a bit erratic. I didn’t realize they were smaller
Colt Government 1911A1, 0.177 cal, SA / DA, CO2.
It's been a while since I've taken this out. I'd forgotten how accurate it is.
The rear sight is windage adjustable but there's no elevation adjustment.
It uses one of those internal rotary mags. You need to check those pretty carefully ... sometimes they have uneven surfaces causing the gas leakage to vary from one "cylinder" to the next. Once you filter out the bad mags it groups well and the trigger smooths out, even in double action.

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I actually got to shoot one of my favorites moments ago….the dogs were going nuts outside, so out I went to check on them. They had 2 fruit rats “treed” on my wife’s tomato trellis. I ran into the shop and grabbed my FWB 90 and a light. I shone the light in the rat’s eyes and shot him at about a foot. He flew off the trellis and landed in my Foxhounds jaws…quite a sound of his jaws smacking together. Anyway not much left afterwards…too bad I only had 1 shot. Anyway…that’s the extent of my pistol shooting for today. John
Gave the Zoraki a workout today. Or should I say it gave me a workout (it’s an effort to pump up). Brutally powerful and rifle accurate. I do love this thing.
Wish it were metal (I prefer metal for any gun) but this plastic is incredibly strong, “ordnance grade” or something like that. So I can live with that.
It seems to like the 18.1gr JTS Dead Center pellets (.22 cal).
Weather has been a bit chilly lately and my CO2 guns don’t do so well. So … time to break out the pumpers and springers. My winter guns 🙂

Springfield Armory Hellcat. CO2, .177 BBs.
Got this for the home range when I can't make it to the range with the PB.
I don't care for the trigger, and I don't like that it's not field strip-able, but I do like the accuracy. Short barrel BB guns seem to be all over the place ... some are reasonably accurate while others are downright useless. This one delivers tight group. I'll keep it.
350 fps after a few shots and it settled down. First few shots were close to 400.
