What pistol did you shoot today

New to me 2300s in .22. Pretty fun but eats co2
This here. .22 with ebony grips, made in 2005 or 2006 based on SN. Came in yesterday evening from a member here. Ran some JSB 13.43 and then some H&N FTT through it. Better with the FTT but believe it hadn’t been shot in a bit and was starting to loosen up so will try the JSB again when I do some real testing this weekend. Ton of fun to shoot.

Offhand pellet testing at 5 yds with the 2300T, P17, and 79G. The S&W was inherited, the Beeman was bought new last year, and the Crosman was bought last month from member @jonpol . He suggested JSB 8.44s, and he was right. The P17 also seems to like 8.44s - the 79G not so much. Oh well, at least it'll be nice to need just one pellet for both pistols and the R7.

Offhand pellet testing at 5 yds with the 2300T, P17, and 79G. The S&W was inherited, the Beeman was bought new last year, and the Crosman was bought last month from member @jonpol . He suggested JSB 8.44s, and he was right. The P17 also seems to like 8.44s - the 79G not so much. Oh well, at least it'll be nice to need just one pellet for both pistols and the R7.

View attachment 347989
Hello @mwhales7

Those are some great groups for offhand (y)

HW45. 2240XL carbine. Another 2240XL I’d been working on for a buddy. Threw them all on the chrono to make sure they were dialed. Lot of chalk, spinners, and metal squirrels sent to the great beyond ha ha ha. Love the chalk targets. They break into pieces so your target keeps getting smaller and smaller.

