What Prevented you from Shooting Today?

I know that a lot of you shoot daily. We look forward to pesting or blasting holes in targets or game.
We have high hope just before we set out to our locations, bringing all the gear we think might be nescessary for the day
But somedays, it just wasn't meant to happen.

I had packed up my car with my benchrest gear and 2 rifles and a tank to head off to the range for a full day of practice
I have recently purchased a new front rest which i am still getting used to, and changed the rear bag set-up
I get to the range and i have it to myself...i am thinking this is GREAT!
I unpack the front rest and get it set...move the rear bags to line-up with the front.
I used a piece of timber as a block for my rear rest that has a neoprene bottom to prevent slipping that i just made.
The night before, i had throughly cleaned-polished-waxed the barrel, so i was anxious to see the results.
Empty range-new gear-fresh polished barrel...i am thinking this is a Wonderful day!

My first couple of shots was to groove out the wax with the pellets, so it took about 10 shots..a bit scattered, but not bad
After the 10 shots, the barrel was seasoned and performing! 11 and 12 were bullseyes on the 10 ring
Happy as a Clam!!
I noticed that i was getting low on air, so i grabbed my tank...turned the knob and got a blast of air in my face...puzzling
i checked and 2x checked to be sure all the lines were attached .. turned the knob again ..blast in the face
After removing the lines, i found that the foster fitting looked like this ... don't know when that happened

All I knew was that was the end of my session…12 shots and had to pack it up
never thought to keep an extra fitting in my kit, but I will now

Any other tales of Woe anyone would like to share?
Rain! High in the 60s here, rain and high, gusty wind. And this is August! Supposed to be much colder and rainier in September. Glad I have a pistol range in basement. It has rained here every single week since late April and no sign of stopping. At least the lawns are green and corn is 8 feet high!
Oh NO Mike! That.....SUCKS! I have never seen a bent male foster fitting! Holy moly! Stars aligned then misaligned.....Disney-ish in a way...🥺..they WILL ALIGN AGAIN...🥳!
Lol Thanks @Ranchibi
I take care of my equipment...i really am wondering how on earth that happened...but it only slowed me down for a day
Unfortunately, my membership to the range has unlimited hours for the weekdays only ...an 1 hour free on weekends-then charged per hour
well...maybe 2 days :unsure:
I had my moderator explode once while backyard shooting. Fired a round and it didn't sound any different. Racked the lever and shot again and it sounded like a subsonic 22 going off and the blast bounced off my brick wall and rang my left ear pretty bad.

Had to pack it in for the day since my other guns were down or put of ammo at the time. Good thing I was at home though.
Rain! High in the 60s here, rain and high, gusty wind. And this is August! Supposed to be much colder and rainier in September. Glad I have a pistol range in basement. It has rained here every single week since late April and no sign of stopping. At least the lawns are green and corn is 8 feet high!
Should be a good Harvest!!(y)
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I had my moderator explode once while backyard shooting. Fired a round and it didn't sound any different. Racked the lever and shot again and it sounded like a subsonic 22 going off and the blast bounced off my brick wall and rang my left ear pretty bad.

Had to pack it in for the day since my other guns were down or put of ammo at the time. Good thing I was at home though.
Hi @Dr. Kralenstein
was it the internals that was destroyed
that must have been quite a shock .. these rifles can "PoP" loud w/o a moderator
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I had my moderator explode once while backyard shooting. Fired a round and it didn't sound any different. Racked the lever and shot again and it sounded like a subsonic 22 going off and the blast bounced off my brick wall and rang my left ear pretty bad.

Had to pack it in for the day since my other guns were down or put of ammo at the time. Good thing I was at home though.
I had a kinda similar thing, I had just got some of those Cotton Cleaning Pellets. So I thought, Hey dunk it in the Cleaning solvent first and then run a Dry one! LOL The wet one let Me know that they can be Very Loud! lol I don't use them anymore.
Hi @Dr. Kralenstein
was it the internals that was destroyed
that must have been quite a shock .. these rifles can "PoP" loud w/o a moderator
It was just a standard cone baffle style mod with CF wall. The pressure I guess blew the front cap off and shot out a couple baffles. I didn't even notice when it happened, and then POW!

The end cap was epoxied in and had 100s of rounds out of it. Was definitely an odd experience.
I had a kinda similar thing, I had just got some of those Cotton Cleaning Pellets. So I thought, Hey dunk it in the Cleaning solvent first and then run a Dry one! LOL The wet one let Me know that they can be Very Loud! lol I don't use them anymore.
They go super sonic and very loud even with the mods/shrouds! I use ear pro when I shoot those for a quick clean. They'll also shoot right thru a couch cushion 🤣
had to pick up my Broken Riding mower from the shop, they had it for 3-1/2 months, it's suppose to be under warranty but the Manufacturer and motor manufacturer won't honor the warranty, mechanic said all it is is a broken Governor, now I'm fixing it myself, that's why I never send Air guns back for warranty, it's a waste of time, cheaper and easier to fix it yourself........(y)
I am rebuilding the pad i shoot from , it was lumpy and slanted . The last two days have been digging it up / leveling and putting a thin sand base down . Today i hope to put the 4 horse mats down and the shooting stand back in place .
Then back to shooting the 30 yard challenge target @ 48 yards . a little bit tougher @ 48 !
had to pick up my Broken Riding mower from the shop, they had it for 3-1/2 months, it's suppose to be under warranty but the Manufacturer and motor manufacturer won't honor the warranty, mechanic said all it is is a broken Governor, now I'm fixing it myself, that's why I never send Air guns back for warranty, it's a waste of time, cheaper and easier to fix it yourself........(y)
a riding mower has a govenor on it?
I've never used one
How fast can those things go?
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It's too windy here today to do serious shooting but I would be doing a little if my son and his two sons, two of my 4 grandkids, were not here. It's a good thing. The 2 year old is a bit of a terror. No way I want to be shooting with him running around. I haven't seen them in about a month so I am glad they are here. I can shoot tomorrow or later next week. My son is trying to get a little 4.5 hp boat motor running for my little aluminum boat. It is not going well but not terribly either. I doubt I will use that motor much if at all but it's what he wants to do so it is fine.

I busted a printed in shroud moderator in my P35-177 but it was not at all dramatic. I thought sleeving the air passage with a couple short pieces of stainless steel tubing might make it quieter. Did not seem to do much. I left the pieces in, they were a snug friction fit. But 100+ pellets later at least one of them slid out of position and got hit by a pellet. That tore up the moderator some but all I noticed was the pellets were not hitting where they should and when I opened the shroud I found the mess. The moderator still worked but I ordered another one. I tried a couple different size air passages and ended up deciding the one that was a little larger worked the best. Noise was about the same and the larger one seemed to give me tighter groups. Doesn't seem logical to me that a bigger passage through the moderator is not noticably noisier but my phone app and my ears say that is the case.
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