What Prevented you from Shooting Today?

What kind of anvils are those
that is an incredible looking shop!! That vice!!
how deep is the forge?
I would gladly miss shooting in trade for a day in your smithy!
Both anvils are Hay Buddens. That forge has double Z burners but I only run one to save propane. I built it with 6x9x18" interior but I have doubled the firebrick because I don't need the space. I built my shop 15 years ago. Thanks. I was lucky enough to buy all my equipment before the game show forged in fire started. That stupid show caused everything blacksmith related to double in price.
I looked for a Hay Budden, but never found one in good condition and a good size
worth their weight in gold ..well not gold ..maybe silver ..damm expensive!! worth it!!
A farrier friend resurfaced an old 1904 Perter Wright carriage anvil for me..perfect size for me
I have a 5 burner tunel forge from NC forge ..rebuilt soo many times due to flux
Agree on the show driving up prices..i recently looked up the cost of a Burr King grinder and my jaw dropped
can't imagine the current prices on tongs
hope to rebuild a shop one of these years
If your looking for those big let down days my (DA): day was a powder burner shoot.
I got together with my brother loaded up and drove thirty miles to the range. Parked moved the equipment, using a wagon, into check in, then out to our line, got all set up to find that I left the keys to the ammo box at home.
I had my moderator explode once while backyard shooting. Fired a round and it didn't sound any different. Racked the lever and shot again and it sounded like a subsonic 22 going off and the blast bounced off my brick wall and rang my left ear pretty bad.

Had to pack it in for the day since my other guns were down or put of ammo at the time. Good thing I was at home though.
I wish i had a place that was more accessible to shoot at. I live in the middle of town with a small yard. Not at all an appropriate place to shoot.
I used to sit at my desk on my lunch break, and shoot a pellet trap on the bookshelf across the room. Lol
Sometimes you just have to do whatever it takes.
I was lucky enough to get out in the smithy and finish a few knives. Weather has been cooler than normal so I seized the chance to fire up the forge. Normally I can't fire it up June-Sept because its to darn hot. I did take my new rifle out in the shop while a blade was in the temper oven and I had a hour to just admire the rifle.

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nice shop and beautiful gun . I decided not to go into blacksmithing , really like it but to many hobbies now .
It must be a cursed month:cry:
Woke up to with a terrible tooth ache, so made a dentist appointment to have it checked out ..broken tooth
Go down to start my car and get the click-click-click sound you get when your starter has broken -great
Had to call a taxi for the dentist.
dentist couldn't do anything because the area was infected, so i needed antibiotics
go to the pharmacy, and they are out to lunch
and still need to get the car fixed
Hope everyone else's day is running smoother
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It must be a cursed month:cry:
Woke up to with a terrible tooth ache, so made a dentist appointment to have it checked out ..broken tooth
Go down to start my car and get the click-click-click sound you get when your starter has broken -great
Had to call a taxi for the dentist.
dentist couldn't do anything because the area was infected, so i needed antibiotics
go to the pharmacy, and they are out to lunch
and still need to get the car fixed
Hope everyone else's day is running smoother
So sorry
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It must be a cursed month:cry:
Woke up to with a terrible tooth ache, so made a dentist appointment to have it checked out ..broken tooth
Go down to start my car and get the click-click-click sound you get when your starter has broken -great
Had to call a taxi for the dentist.
dentist couldn't do anything because the area was infected, so i needed antibiotics
go to the pharmacy, and they are out to lunch
and still need to get the car fixed
Hope everyone else's day is running smoother
believe me we all have those days , tomorrow is Saturday so after you do the honey-do's you can shoot your frustrations away . ANd i always thought that click click sound meant your Battery was dead ?
believe me we all have those days , tomorrow is Saturday so after you do the honey-do's you can shoot your frustrations away . ANd i always thought that click click sound meant your Battery was dead ?
i tried jumping it..still made the clicking sound. Not turn over..just clicks
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Well that tie into what kept me from shooting today, well aside for the storm with gusts higher than that ,that blew thru here.

BUT ! Downwind from a thick hedge and a big tree in a industrial area i did still manage to pull 3 dashcam systems ( 7 cameras in total ) and install 2 new systems ( 4 cameras in total )
Also ripped out a few years of cables from other systems, mostly power cable & source

Also installed a 4G Access point CUZ these new cameras are also of the smart type that will send notifications when parked if something happen.
Or you can remotely log into them to have a look around yourself.
The smart part though will have to wait until Wednesday evening when i get back home and the SIM card for the 4G have arrived.

Was so looking forward to shooting Mon - Tue, CUZ not long ago it looked to be almost 0 wind days, but now it have changed to Tue - Wed and with annoying high winds.
So my M8 that have borrowed my 40 X scope for his old .22 Cutlass, he will probably have some issues on 100 yards, me being the pea shooter i will probably not even try 100,,,, well maybe CUZ i do have some 13 grain slugs in the range bag, but pellet shooting was my target.
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Well that tie into what kept me from shooting today, well aside for the storm with gusts higher than that ,that blew thru here.

BUT ! Downwind from a thick hedge and a big tree in a industrial area i did still manage to pull 3 dashcam systems ( 7 cameras in total ) and install 2 new systems ( 4 cameras in total )
Also ripped out a few years of cables from other systems, mostly power cable & source

Also installed a 4G Access point CUZ these new cameras are also of the smart type that will send notifications when parked if something happen.
Or you can remotely log into them to have a look around yourself.
The smart part though will have to wait until Wednesday evening when i get back home and the SIM card for the 4G have arrived.

Was so looking forward to shooting Mon - Tue, CUZ not long ago it looked to be almost 0 wind days, but now it have changed to Tue - Wed and with annoying high winds.
So my M8 that have borrowed my 40 X scope for his old .22 Cutlass, he will probably have some issues on 100 yards, me being the pea shooter i will probably not even try 100,,,, well maybe CUZ i do have some 13 grain slugs in the range bag, but pellet shooting was my target.
Sounds like a lot of work
But i would gladly do all the work in place of sitting in a dentist chair!

Try 100! ..you can make it work with the right slugs

I really want to try my Epoch with the 22.07g JTS pellets at 100 yrds
all the test shots have been very promising..benchrest potential
Depending if the car gets fixed ..hopefully, i will be shooting soon
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