What rifles have you bought twice?

We’ve all read and commented on threads about:

“if you could only have one airgun what would it be?”


What air guns have you owned and sold only to regret and repurchase?
Or just liked it sooo much you purchased 2 or more of the same item?

After buying and selling many many airguns, for me there were three:

A Thomas
A Brocock Ghost
A Redwolf

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Mine aren’t as substantial. I bought a 2nd PP700SA. I’m also buying another Notos. I sold my last Notos to a friend. These rifles I loan to friends to get them interested in the hobby. If they get broken, I’m not upset.
That’s a great idea
Got a pair of Weihrauch PCPs.

After much research and long deliberation I decided on a. 22 caliber Weihrauch HW100 as my first PCP.

The .22 was out of stock and I was looking at a year (at best) before one would be available so I grabbed a .177 HW100 thinking that I would sell it when the .22 showed up.

About 14 months later I got a call that a .22 caliber HW100 was available if I was still interested - I pounced on it. 😁

The Weihrauchs are well designed, well made and fit me perfectly. Couldn't part with the .177 so I have a matched set. Both have been shooting great for over 10 years.

Based on my positive experience with my Weihrauch PCPs, I recently added a .22 HW44, a .177 HW30 and a .22 HW50 to the cabinet. Very happy with all of them!

HW100: I have two, a .177 and a .22 because I love them.

HW77K: I have 3 complete MK2s, and a couple project guns along with a pile of parts because I love them.

TX200: had one and sold it, bought another to make sure I didn't like it. Sold that one and will never own another.

FWB124: bought and sold a few to make sure I wasn't missing the "hype". Turns out they do suck, so I sold them all except one that I modified and a spare parts pile. I'll never own or want for another.

I may consider grabbing a second Taipan Vet in .25 at some point, but it's not a priority.

Lots that I have owned and sold and wouldn't want again.