what scope would you recommend?

I shoot in my back yard mostly at targets, from a bag rest at a range of 65 to 70 feet. Using a break barrel that cost under $200 and came with a 4x32 scope. Sometimes I do shoot at a pest or two. Now that I have retired, I find myself using it more but having trouble seeing the target, so I put the scope on. Now I am finding that I have to remove my eyeglasses to get a good sight picture, (both eyes open) Not sure what type of scope to look for but would like more magnification. Would like to keep the price low, (to keep wife happy) and my wallet. I know that will limit my options, but all suggestions will be greatly appreciated Thanks.
The Discovery optics scopes really give a lot of bang for the buck. Luckily there are a lot of scopes available now that won't cost more than the gun you want to put it on & do everything you need it to. Seen a number of positive posts about Westhunter also. Make sure they're "springer rated" for your gun.
I have a tale of two Veyrons. The first I received was not great glass, but they were good and sent a replacement and it has been great. This would get you the increased zoom you’re looking for. I also have the fixed 10x Veyron and really like that scope

I just found this on AliExpress: $229.00 | Vector Optics Veyron 3-12x44 4-16x44 6-24x44 FFP Riflescope Ultra Short Compact Design For Air Guns and Light Weight Firearms

I just found this on AliExpress: $169.00 | Vector Optics Veyron 10x44 SFP Compact Riflescope Ultra Short 245mm 9.7in Design For Compact Air GunsandLight Weight Firearms

I also have two of these little scope and like them. I use them for shooting a fixed distance, either 10m or 18y to defend my bird feeder.
I just found this on AliExpress: $99.99 | Discovery HT 6X24AOE Super Ultra-Short Compact Scope Red Green Illuminated Sight Design For Air Guns and Light Weight Firearms
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Vector is the way to go. Mine has excellent glass.
The rings that come with the scope are also excellent.
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On any break barrel I would be sure to get something with a known hassle free warranty like Athlon or Arken.
After looking through an arken I wouldn't touch that scope with a 10 foot pole.
Friend down the street bought the 639.00 arken 7-35 and my Vector blows its doors off.
He turned right around and purchased a Vector and is now trying to sell his arken.
After looking through an arken I wouldn't touch that scope with a 10 foot pole.
Friend down the street bought the 639.00 arken 7-35 and my Vector blows its doors off.
He turned right around and purchased a Vector and is now trying to sell his arken.
I dont think anyone would suggest the Arkens have the best IQ, but there is no way a Vector compares when it comes to turrets. Arkens have some of the best turrets in the whole industry, at least on the EPL4, SH4, and EP5/7 series. And IQ is pretty decent as well, I have several and most of them mounted to PB that need much better performance than any air rifle. Looking through a scope is a lot different than using one for years in the field and cranking turrets. Fortunately there are lots of brands to pick from if you dont like Arken.

All that aside, I suggested Arken and Athlon for the OP because of their warranties. Full lifetime no questions asked easy replacement warranties. Trying to warranty a Vector a few years down the road through Amazon or Temu is not going to provide the same experience.
I would start with adjusting the eyepiece, the lens closest to you.

In the house or where ever you can find a light colored background. Look just at the reticle and start adjusting. You should be able to bring the reticle into focus.

Most of mine get turned out pretty far.
Try that before spending money.
unfortunately, mine is not adjustable but thanks for that input.
Trying to warranty a Vector a few years down the road through Amazon or Temu is not going to provide the same experience.
Miss Tan at Vector Optics USA will send a brand new one immediately if a failure occurs.
The Turrets on the vector are just fine. Also has zero stop. But the best thing of all about it is the glass. The glass is stunning. The glass blows the doors off Arken.
Going by the copy that I have.
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After looking through an arken I wouldn't touch that scope with a 10 foot pole.
Friend down the street bought the 639.00 arken 7-35 and my Vector blows its doors off.
He turned right around and purchased a Vector and is now trying to sell his arken.
The One 7-35, he should have gotten instead is the DNT version which has good IQ. People report seeing a obvious difference.
The Hawke and the UTG are the stuff you clamp on to a simple air rifle. They are plenty of scope for everyday use and have several models. Both are good scopes for the money.

I like the Hawke scopes. A fixed power Vantage runs about a hundred bucks. At the other end is the Airmax, which will set you back a couple hundred. There are several options in between.

The scopes are good and the warranty is good. I used a fixed 4x Hawke Vantage ($100) for years on my HW95. I like the 3x9x40 Vantage ($150) a lot. I have an Airmax on an HW97k ($215). Any of them are worth the price of admission.