Started the day having to let my Shiba Inu go, 3 weeks shy of 17 years. Only downside to having dogs I’m aware of. Then home and worked all day. Some much needed airgun therapy with .22 Crosman Custom Shop 2300 and .22 HW95. Mostly standing shooting spinners and Cooper the Squirrel at 15 and 20 yards. This 95 is still probably at the top of my if you could only have one list. Accurate, powerful, simple. Great all around gun for me. I like the HW50 a lot but prefer the size and power bump.I’m a little bigger than average and the extra weight doesn’t bother me. Ended up putting up a table and shooting off my elbows at 20 yards at the little chalk pieces left from this weekend. Cleaned them all. Brewski would be proud.
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