What springer did you shoot today?

Shot till almost 8 pm. Which is now dark. 61 F. Had to wear jeans and a jacket. First off a D 34 premium .177
Love shooting this gun. So accurare and smooth.
‘Next up a D 35 premium .22. Does it ever smack the steel with accuracy. I’m impressed with this gun. Haven’t shot it much. But plan to.
Heading out to my brother in law's farm to help him thin out the squirrel population. Taking the .177 D48 and my new .22 D350. So far I'm
really liking the 350. Plenty accurate and it packs quite a punch.

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If you were 5 minutes closer I would ask to join you.
I just got the same 350, last purchase. Really happy with it, over 50 shots and still holding together, ha ha. Crow
If you were 5 minutes closer I would ask to join you.
I just got the same 350, last purchase. Really happy with it, over 50 shots and still holding together, ha ha. Crow

And you would be welcome to join us!

We had a productive day. I took 4 squirrels with the D350, and my brother in law took two with the D48. He also took a groundhog with his .17 hmr. I used 14.3gr Crosman Premiers for all four. Ranges varied from 30 to 50 yds. All were solid headshots, instant lights out.

The 350 proves itself again. I'm glad it has such a long barrel, as you have also probably noticed, it takes some serious leverage to cock the action. No problem now that I'm used to it. She's a keeper.
More trigger time with the Pro Sport, HW97k and HW30. Cans were destroyed. Also shot the HW45 and HW70. Weather was perfect.

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Great guns. You have to like that P Sport. Such a beauty. Came close to getting another on Friday. Someone beat me to it, which is good.
‘How do you like the 70?
Wrote last nite, crashed early, forgot to send. Signals.
And you would be welcome to join us!

We had a productive day. I took 4 squirrels with the D350, and my brother in law took two with the D48. He also took a groundhog with his .17 hmr. I used 14.3gr Crosman Premiers for all four. Ranges varied from 30 to 50 yds. All were solid headshots, instant lights out.

The 350 proves itself again. I'm glad it has such a long barrel, as you have also probably noticed, it takes some serious leverage to cock the action. No problem now that I'm used to it. She's a keeper.
Thanks, probably 10-12 hours away. 6 tree rats down. Good score and great shooting.
‘I’m going to deliver lead with the 350, next one I see. Been a month since I’ve seen one. And I live the the forest with a 200 yr. oak tree out front. They know not to come here. Crow
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Thanks, probably 10-12 hours away. 6 tree rats down. Good score and great shooting.
‘I’m going to deliver lead with the 350, next one I see. Been a month since I’ve seen one. And I live the the forest with a 200 yr. oak tree out front. They know not to come here. Crow

Yeah, your province to my state would be a pretty long haul. My Mom was from just across the border in New Brunswick. I still have family there and in Ontario. Like you, I live out in the forest as well. Got some old oaks and maples too, and the squirrels are smart enough to keep their distance.

Of course I could just use my .22mag Ruger 77 or AR15 to take them when they're outside of practical airgun range, but what fun would that be? These days I really enjoy my airguns far more than my firearms. I just love the relative silence and precision of my Weihrauch and Diana rifles. The challenge of getting close enough for an effective and humane shot from an airgun is something I enjoy as well.

Great guns. You have to like that P Sport. Such a beauty. Came close to getting another on Friday. Someone beat me to it, which is good.
‘How do you like the 70?

I like the HW70 so much that I have the regular with iron sights and the Black Arrow with a scope. They are the HW30 of the pistol line. Easy to cock with a ball detent. Both have very ergonomic grips. Ambidextrous. Great two stage trigger. Accurate out to 80 yards with a scope, no wind and a lot of luck.

I have a coffee can at 80 yards and I am able to hit it with the Black Arrow by putting the can at the very bottom of the scope post and let her rip. I use the H&N 7.3 Terminators, they wreck cans and grackles. Normal shooting distance of 20 yards cans and one inch spinners do not stand and a chance.
I took the Winchester/Daisy made in China to the range yesterday. I shot five different pellets and got a promising group with Sig Target flat points. Since View attachment 387657was shooting for group size I did not try to change the zero to the center of the target. I will work on that on Tuesday.View attachment 387652

Your Winchester has a very straightforward utilitarian look. Nice looking (and shooting) rifle. I notice it also has a fairly substantial recoil stop behind the rear scope ring. A major plus in my book.
I like the HW70 so much that I have the regular with iron sights and the Black Arrow with a scope. They are the HW30 of the pistol line. Easy to cock with a ball detent. Both have very ergonomic grips. Ambidextrous. Great two stage trigger. Accurate out to 80 yards with a scope, no wind and a lot of luck.

I have a coffee can at 80 yards and I am able to hit it with the Black Arrow by putting the can at the very bottom of the scope post and let her rip. I use the H&N 7.3 Terminators, they wreck cans and grackles. Normal shooting distance of 20 yards cans and one inch spinners do not stand and a chance.
What fps are you getting.
I was shooting mine last week into balistic gel. With a JSB 10.34 it bounced off and hit me. With a JSB 8.35 it penetrated 1 1/2 - 2 inches. I’m getting 340 fps with mine. If I could speed it up a bit that would be bonus.
In Canada if a pistol shoots more than 500 fps it becomes restricted. A licence I don’t have.
The 70 I always grab if I go for a walk. Crow
What fps are you getting.
I was shooting mine last week into balistic gel. With a JSB 10.34 it bounced off and hit me. With a JSB 8.35 it penetrated 1 1/2 - 2 inches. I’m getting 340 fps with mine. If I could speed it up a bit that would be bonus.
In Canada if a pistol shoots more than 500 fps it becomes restricted. A licence I don’t have.
The 70 I always grab if I go for a walk. Crow

With the H&N Terminators I get an average of 460. Great pistols.
Just having a coffee after lunch and a Bald Eagle lands on an island out front. CrowView attachment 388021
we had a pair of Bald Eagles living here till some brilliant bird watcher kept irritating them . Haven't seen them in 4 yeas now.
we had a pair of Bald Eagles living here till some brilliant bird watcher kept irritating them . Haven't seen them in 4 yeas now.
Another Java. I just had an Osprey fly by. Looks like a bullet with wings. I watch them catch fish quite frequently, really cool. Wish they would eat Geese. Crow