What springer did you shoot today?

HW77 for me, seems to magically appear in my hand as soon as the safe opens. H&N FTT pellets, and any spinner from 10 yards to 60 yards seem to do the work all by themselves on autopilot. It’s like I don’t even need to be there….. kinda seems like I’m in a AI reality…. LOL great days we are living friends we are jolly green giants walking the earth with guns… excuse me, rifles. We all know what guns are for
Temps in low 80’s and humidity only 40% I had to shoot a little tonight. Diana 56 T/H .177. It’s already silly accurate and I’m not even done with it. Got bored shooting spinners and paper so I started shooting pellets that were imbedded in the rubber targets. Hit 4 of 5 shots. Logun MKII Pro also made an appearance. Not a springer but a tremendous gun. It went 4 of 5 on imbedded pellets too.
As of this morning, I've put over 500 rounds through the new D350. A full tin of Crosman Premier 14.3gr which is what I used for my initial 30yd zero, plus a few JSB 16.2 and RWS 14.5. I still intend to test a variety of pellets, but I've had so much success and fun with the Crosman ammo that I just went with that for now. Taken 4 squirrels, and clanged a variety of steel targets from 30 to 70 yds offhand. My favorite is 1 gallon milk jugs full of gravel offhand at 100 yds. The 350 makes it almost too easy.

Shot cycle isn't nearly as harsh as I'd anticipated, and it's become even better with use. It's still not as hold sensitive as I thought it would be. Cocking effort is substantial, but easy to get used to. That's also smoothed up quite a bit. The T06 trigger is still crisp and very consistent. The only other thing I've had to really get used to is it's 48" overall length. I still find myself hitting the end of the barrel on doorframes and catching it on tree branches. It's now the longest air rifle in my collection, and if you include my firearms it's second only to the 1873 Trapdoor Springfield in OAL. The Mantis 4-12 still works like a champ and there's no creep with the Sportsmatch rings and recoil stop.

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just as a function test I shot my brand new HW77K today. Only 5 shots. but out of the box all hit the target. A fine start for me and my new rifle. Charles
Can't go wrong with a HW77 wonderful gun , after a few tins let us know how it and you settled in .
Reassembled my hw98 with new guide and top hat from Mike Ellingson today. Test fired it an totally removed the twang and got a .8ftlb increase in power! Mike E does some nice work. Also took out my latest addition, a 1976 Diana Model 25D. Nice little springer, a junior version of the Diana 27.
