I've been lurking around the springer site for quite awhile. The forum springers are a fascinating group; fanatical, dedicated, traditional, and convincing that springers can be fun. Its almost a curse to have purchased and sold more than my fair share of good PCPs over the last 2 years repurposing my stable of mistakes. At first buying like Bambi wasn't so bad, what I didn't know didn't hurt me...... for awhile. Accumulating guns, compressors, suppressors, red dots, ammo, cases, targets, bla blah blah......now I know how costly mistakes and storage challenges can be. I learned, the more you know the more you don't know.
After purchasing an HW44 which I love, and gathering springer forum feedback, watching youtube reviews, I was sold on Weihrauch for my first springer. So after almost a year of thinking through buying a springer, and there is no shortage of Wiehrauch options, I finally pulled the trigger yesterday. I put a deposit on a HW30 deluxe in stainless, training wheels

. Did I want a 97k or a 50, hell ya, but I have no where within an hour to shoot them. The 30 allows me to plink in my yard, test drive, it's crazy resalable, and if I like it, no doubt I'll be in-line again for mo-power, I'll drive the hour. Thanks springers
Crowski, talking to AOA they upsold me to the wood/stainless. This morning I see your picture below and I think, wow that's cool stainless and black, yikes. I don't see where the 30 is offered in black and stainless. Would you still go synthetic and stainless again if weather wasn't an issue? Where did you find the B&S 30? Weather isn't an issue for me. Thanks.
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