I shot the same ole same ole. The HW30s Deluxe at 75 and 30 yards.
I've been avoiding the 30 yard target with the HW30, because its really easy for that rifle and better suited for pistols or iron sights
Shooting at dusk, I did aweful at the 75 yard range.
As vusability disappeared I took vengeance on the 30 yard targets.
Now all of a sudden the 30 yard targets were challenging!
First three were Stans swinging targets, all hits.

followed with the ( Rat ) 5 misses.

Then I cleared the Crazzy eights with 2 misses,
Now its really dark, so I switched to the pistol targets, white medicine bottles hanging on yarn.(I couldn't find my string).
At this point I could only see the cross hairs when I aimed at the white background. Although the bottles and caps were small, I could still see the cross hairs on them.
The HW30 blew the bottles clean off of the yarn hangers, and destroyed all the caps but one little one that I could never get the crosshairs on.
I waisted a fair amout of lead, but it turned out to be a good shoot in the end.
My wife was antagonizing me for my misses at 75. Lol