What springer did you shoot today?

What’s a springer…? After my first PCP string, simply relegated to non use by me. Though the springers did serve admirably on small pests out to 55 yards, consistently. Simply don’t enjoy all the exaggerated “monkey motions” to take “one” shot… Let alone, a quick “follow up” to a marginal hit…
What’s a springer…? After my first PCP string, simply relegated to non use by me. Though the springers did serve admirably on small pests out to 55 yards, consistently. Simply don’t enjoy all the exaggerated “monkey motions” to take “one” shot… Let alone, a quick “follow up” to a marginal hit…
There always has to be someone… 🙄🫤😜
What’s a springer…? After my first PCP string, simply relegated to non use by me. Though the springers did serve admirably on small pests out to 55 yards, consistently. Simply don’t enjoy all the exaggerated “monkey motions” to take “one” shot… Let alone, a quick “follow up” to a marginal hit…
I feel the same way about a pcp. It's like leaving a hospital with all the life supporting wires and tubes still hooked up to ya and trying to make your way around..lol. Gotta have compressors, high pressure bombs, o-rings , feeding hoses..etc. Not to mention the potential high pressure bomb next to your face. Then you get some dust in mechanism and blow a o-ring, now it won't seal or hold air. Not worth it to me for another .100" worth of accuracy. Pellets and a rifle is all I need.
I feel the same way about a pcp. It's like leaving a hospital with all the life supporting wires and tubes still hooked up to ya and trying to make your way around..lol. Gotta have compressors, high pressure bombs, o-rings , feeding hoses..etc. Not to mention the potential high pressure bomb next to your face. Then you get some dust in mechanism and blow a o-ring, now it won't seal or hold air. Not worth it to me for another .100" worth of accuracy. Pellets and a rifle is all I need.
Wow! I simply grab my small PCP and a tin of pellets… I hand pump the little gun just fine, 3 years in, zero issues with my Atomic XR. I shoot rats in a very dusty environment haven’t had problems with blown O rings, etc. And its not only about the “accuracy”… many factors at play that make springers simply non starters for me…
Wow! I simply grab my small PCP and a tin of pellets… I hand pump the little gun just fine, 3 years in, zero issues with my Atomic XR. I shoot rats in a very dusty environment haven’t had problems with blown O rings, etc. And its not only about the “accuracy”… many factors at play that make springers simply non starters for me…
Wow! I simply grab my small PCP and a tin of pellets… I hand pump the little gun just fine, 3 years in, zero issues with my Atomic XR. I shoot rats in a very dusty environment haven’t had problems with blown O rings, etc. And its not only about the “accuracy”… many factors at play that make springers simply non starters for me…
That's cool, But I ain't hand pumping nothing..lol, same as push mowing a yard, ain't happening. I shot pcp's before and I can see the attraction for easy shooting and accuracy. For me it was kinda like shooting a dead fish, nothing happens but a pff. I like feeling the gun recoil and hearing the shot, just more challenging to me. But it's all good to each his own.

That's cool, But I ain't hand pumping nothing..lol, same as push mowing a yard, ain't happening. I shot pcp's before and I can see the attraction for easy shooting and accuracy. For me it was kinda like shooting a dead fish, nothing happens but a pff. I like feeling the gun recoil and hearing the shot, just more challenging to me. But it's all good to each his own.
I came from the same mold. My first job was working at a golf course. I have a Kabota zero turn. Can cut the lawn in 19 min. Despise cutting grass. Cuts into my shooting time.
I think the 3rd gun I bought was a Benjamin Discovery with a pump. After I pumped it the first time, I cherished every shot like it was my last. Noisy, with a lot more power. I’ve pumped it for a total 3 times, and I keep the gun as a horrible reminder. I used to own a bike shop, maybe stemmed for there.
I’ve also read here many times that so and so’s wife or daughter or son shot the PCP for the first time and was an ace. I want a challenge. Springers can be just that.
There’s nothing more rewarding than improving a springers accuracy.
I had a gun shop offer me an Air Arms PCP to try. Don’t know the model. I declined. Stuck on springers. Lots to learn. Crow
What’s a springer…? After my first PCP string, simply relegated to non use by me. Though the springers did serve admirably on small pests out to 55 yards, consistently. Simply don’t enjoy all the exaggerated “monkey motions” to take “one” shot… Let alone, a quick “follow up” to a marginal hit…
Hmm i could post this same remark but the opposite "what is a PCP ? they sit in my gun safe unused . Springers are the best = gun tin of pellets = GO .
Yes sir, it is. 👌🏼
I've got one of those missing a turret cap.
Wow! I simply grab my small PCP and a tin of pellets… I hand pump the little gun just fine, 3 years in, zero issues with my Atomic XR. I shoot rats in a very dusty environment haven’t had problems with blown O rings, etc. And its not only about the “accuracy”… many factors at play that make springers simply non starters for me…
I'm a plinker, and both springers and pcp's, along with pneumatics and CO2's are all necessary for me. 👍

That's cool, But I ain't hand pumping nothing..lol, same as push mowing a yard, ain't happening. I shot pcp's before and I can see the attraction for easy shooting and accuracy. For me it was kinda like shooting a dead fish, nothing happens but a pff. I like feeling the gun recoil and hearing the shot, just more challenging to me. But it's all good to each his own.
Come on now, riding mowers are great, but you still grab the push mower to finish the job.
To me, the only out strike is inaccuracy, and my springers rock! Two of my PCP's, not so much.
The older I get, the more I appreciate the simplicity of shooting my spring powered break barrels (specifically my R8). Light weight, easy to c**k and accurate. No fuss, no muss.

But as the late great Ladd Fanta says:

“remember, the fun is much the same whether the pellet is spurted by CO2 gas, compressed air, or even spring-generated air charge. And always, hitting the mark is what's important, not if the pellet is plain, fancy, large, small or driven supersonic.

When your spirits, the time, the place and your gun are all in tune, the relationship can be euphoric.“
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Don't own a push mower and never will..lol.
Likewise, It has been close to 45 years since I owned a push mower, meaning a powered mower I walked behind. I have 1 3/4 acre and about 18 years ago I switched over to a ztr. I still mow my own place, and long ago quit using a string trimmer to make everything look perfect. If I cannot get close enough with the ztr, then it does not get done.