What springer did you shoot today?

Nothing yet but I have received some airgun stuff that will promote spring gun shooting in the near future…

Buck 110 added for cool effect 😎🗡️


This one! :)

It’s my TX200HC in .22 with a Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40AO and an Air Arms moderator. Believe it or not, I’ve owned this thing for right around two years and have only shot it about three time before. I zeroed it early 2023 and then our lives got turned completely upside down, so I only had it out one other time that year. Today marks the third time out. I switched optics on it, so today was another zero session. Dialed it in at 20 yards (not sure it’ll stay there, I still have a lot of research to do on what distance I want to zero it at) and then plinked with it for awhile, trying different pellets.

I used Daisy HP to zero, and accuracy was pretty mediocre. Good for popping soda cans or maybe close-range pesting, but that’d be it. I then tried the ol’ Crosman Premier HP and holy cow, it liked those! Again, third time shooting a springer so I’m still learning, but I managed just under a 1/2” group with those, best group of the day by far!

I also tried some JSB Jumbo Express 14.35gr and some Air Arms 16gr. I only shot one group of each, and didn’t clean between types. The JSBs were unremarkable and the AA 16gr were actually decent but not as good as the CPHP. I plan to take it out again and spend more time with it, cleaning between each type to give them a chance to show their true potential. However, I may just be stocking up on the CPHP as an inexpensive stockpile option, as the TX really seemed to like them right off the bat!

I’m hoping to get things dialed in soon though, as squirrel season started this past week and we have an abundance of birds at work that need to be thinned out before they become a safety issue!