What springer did you shoot today?

45 year old 766 out again today. I tried several more pellets, FTT 8.64, AA 7.87, H&N sniper 8.5,
AA falcon 7.33. Out of these the Falcons were best with Snipers coming in second.
40 yards rested with Hawke Vantage 2-7X32 on 7 power. I'm learning that with this trigger you have to pull through, no squeezing or it throws a wild shot.
Here's the best 3 groups with the Falcons. Group #3 was going good then I threw to wild shots to the right..lol, so only 3 pellets in group #3.
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This 766 is completely different from shooting springers, but I'm improving little by little. Another thing is the rifling in this barrel is microscopic, so I'm sure that doesn't help, crown is good though.✌🏻
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That’s some fine shooting Mr. Chip! 💥🎯

This isn’t quite the same but your 766 adventures remind me of this…

58° drizzling rain overcast. So I decided to shoot a couple of 105X .25 side by side. One is a spring-piston with dot. The other is a gas ram. It's the first time I've shot them side by side just for fun.

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I hope to be able to pull the trigger on one of those someday if they ever let me out of this prison…
Another late 1940s early 1950s orphan airgun returns to the field.

The descendant of the Rochester air rifle of Monroe Gasket Manufacturing fame. This one I believe is a legit Kessler built rifle and not a lawn mower shop build, due to it being serialized on the pump linkage.
In case anyone cares, it is a Model C 2nd variant Kessler.

I was able to source originals seals for this rifle, and managed to get it rebuilt and working properly again.


NOT an easy rifle to work on. The valve body has to be properly timed to the compression tube for the front sight/tube cap assembly to line up correctly when the transfer port is in proper alignment.
Anyways, it now dumps 12 pumps reliably, but I decided to run it at 10, which yields 590 fps with H&H FTT 14.6 pellets in 5.55mm head size. 12 pumps will get it to 615, but I do not really fancy pushing it to the limit due to its age and the complexity of tearing one down to reseal it.
I shot my TX200 in .177 today and tried to shoot wad cutters and loaded is about 50/50. Half dropped into the action and a few in the barrel! Finally gave up and went to a domed pellet and that helped. This is my most expensive springer I one and the hardest to enjoy. Wish I could have tried one before buying. I’m going to keep at it until it’s better liked! Charles

I let the 766 pumper rest today, I did clean the barrel last night so it will be ready for the next go.
Today I got out the prosport and tried it on the bench, I usually shoot off of sticks, but wanted to see how it would do.View attachment 490227
So around 7:20pm when the wind died out I shot 5 groups of 5 @ 40 yards with the QYS 8.48 gr, my go to pellet for the prosport and the 97K.
Groups are numbered in the order they were shot. The shift to the left is the difference from zeroing on the sticks, and then shooting off the bags, elevation stayed pretty much the same.
The last group ended up being my smallest to date at .112" ctc. Best group from the sticks was around 1/4" awhile back.
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It took a few groups to get my trigger and breathing settled down..lol.
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Prosport ain't no joke.✌🏻
awesome groups, beautiful gun.
The heat and humidity are back up in west central Ohio, so it was a lazy day under the shootin shade tree.
Big shoot off between some candidates for squirrel culling duties. The season opens Sept 1st.
Crosman 6300/Anschutz 333

Crosman 6500/Anschutz 335

Weihrauch HW 50S

Accuracy is almost a wash between the three, but I will rank them as
1- Crosman 6500
2- HW 50S
3- Crosman 6300

The front post on the 6300 is the widest of the 3 and the 6500 is the finest. Other than that detail, they are all pretty much equal for accuracy. I personally prefer the sight picture with a narrow post, and believe that I shot a shade worse with the wider post on the 6300. I was shooting leaning against a tree vs bagged on the bench. On the bench, it is a straight even match between the 3 rifles for accuracy.
Power goes to the Crosman twins, while comfort with the stock goes to the 50S. The ergos of the finger grooved stock are hard to top in my book.

Determination is
Around the property, the 50S is the go to, while the 6500 gets to go to the woods. The extra fps may help me reach up into the Walnut trees better?
I shot my TX200 in .177 today and tried to shoot wad cutters and loaded is about 50/50. Half dropped into the action and a few in the barrel! Finally gave up and went to a domed pellet and that helped. This is my most expensive springer I one and the hardest to enjoy. Wish I could have tried one before buying. I’m going to keep at it until it’s better liked! Charles

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sounds to me like you need the larger head sized pellets try 4.51 's unless that is what your shooting ?
Stan in KY .
Shooting in low 90’s isn’t too much fun but I just wanted to shoot a springer. Got out my HW50 in .20 caliber equipped with a Williams peeper sight and the cans and other targets never had a chance! Charles

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Going to be 94 deg here next Wed and Thur, not looking forward to that.🔥
winter ? your looking forward to winter ?
Not winter, but cool mornings no humidity and warming during the day to high 60's or low 70's.
That's what I like fall and when all the leaves turn colors. We really don't have much winter anymore, at least not the past few years. So really it's good shooting weather thru Dec, Jan and Feb is winter if we have one.
Not winter, but cool mornings no humidity and warming during the day to high 60's or low 70's.
That's what I like fall and when all the leaves turn colors. We really don't have much winter anymore, at least not the past few years. So really it's good shooting weather thru Dec, Jan and Feb is winter if we have one.
Yes "not much winter " is exactly why i moved here .
Shooting in low 90’s isn’t too much fun but I just wanted to shoot a springer. Got out my HW50 in .20 caliber equipped with a Williams peeper sight and the cans and other targets never had a chance! Charles

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Stick it to ‘em Chuck!