What springer did you shoot today?

First attempt at 100 yards with the prosport this morning. Bad part was it was miserably humid and some wind from right to left that ruined several groups. Also the sun comes up almost in your face and washes out the scope picture..lol, so I need to go back in the afternoon or any time after 11:00AM on this particular range. Anyway here are the best two groups today at 100 yards with QYS 8.48 pellets.

Here's a pic of the 100 yard range.

Also with my gun zeroed at 40 yards, I had to hold over 16 MOA on the reticle and with wind one or two MOA to the right. Shot a few groups this way, then I dialed up the 16 MOA and held dead on, except for hold off if the wind was coming. It was a fun till the boys showed up with the boom sticks, I was hot by then so I packed it up. Then went over to the 200 yard range and busted off a bunch of 6.5 creedmoors before calling it quits.✌🏻
Here's the 200 yard range....

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First attempt at 100 yards with the prosport this morning. Bad part was it was miserably humid and some wind from right to left that ruined several groups. Also the sun comes up almost in your face and washes out the scope picture..lol, so I need to go back in the afternoon or any time after 11:00AM on this particular range. Anyway here are the best two groups today at 100 yards with QYS 8.48 pellets.
View attachment 492422
Here's a pic of the 100 yard range.
View attachment 492423
Also with my gun zeroed at 40 yards, I had to hold over 16 MOA on the reticle and with wind one or two MOA to the right. Shot a few groups this way, then I dialed up the 16 MOA and held dead on, except for hold off if the wind was coming. It was a fun till the boys showed up with the boom sticks, I was hot by then so I packed it up. Then went over to the 200 yard range and busted off a bunch of 6.5 creedmoors before calling it quits.✌🏻
Here's the 200 yard range....
nice groups, love the bench on the 200
It's been a full day of shooting, started at 8:00AM. I'm tired and sun burnt. But before I'm done, a quick go on my 40 yard range after dialing my scope back down to earth..lol. I shot twelve groups, then my arm quit working, I stopped.😝 These are the best four groups from the the twelve.....

QYS 8.48 gr

That's it I'm done for today.✌🏻
It's been a full day of shooting, started at 8:00AM. I'm tired and sun burnt. But before I'm done, a quick go on my 40 yard range after dialing my scope back down to earth..lol. I shot twelve groups, then my arm quit working, I stopped.😝 These are the best four groups from the the twelve.....
View attachment 492487
QYS 8.48 gr
View attachment 492488
That's it I'm done for today.✌🏻
tighter than a frogs ass
62F. in the morning, 82 in the afternoon. The R7 .177. This gun is like the cherry on top. It’s a keeperView attachment 492512Had to turn on the lights to continue and shot the R9 .20 cal. Another favorite. View attachment 492513Crow
I long for 62deg any time of the day, the humidity is killin me down here in the south, hopefully the last of the mid 90's for the year, but who knows.🤷🏼‍♂️ Sept can get hot around here, even Oct can be a 🔥🔥.
No shooting today. Going to a Rainiers game tonight. Just to keep you folks filled with spring gun love, I ordered one of these. It was a weak moment…

Anyone here with Cometa spring gun experiences? Good? Bad?

View attachment 489954

Did you pick it up? I’ve been a serious kooky loo for awhile now.
This is close to the best time of the year
I long for 62deg any time of the day, the humidity is killin me down here in the south, hopefully the last of the mid 90's for the year, but who knows.🤷🏼‍♂️ Sept can get hot around here, even Oct can be a 🔥🔥.
Sept and Oct. are bonus when all the bugs die. Weather is perfect. Can still get in the 90’s. Crow

Did you pick it up? I’ve been a serious kooky loo for awhile now.
Yes, the COMETA 300 is in da howz!

I like it. Is it great? Not great but good. If it holds up over time it should be a good value. Is it an equal to a HW gun or AA or Diana? No. The biggest negative against the Cometa, to me, is the trigger. It’s predictable with an easy pull to the bump but pulling through the bump is heavy. If we can get that to at least half of what it is then it would be much more enjoyable and possibly easier to shoot more accurately. I haven’t taken the time to look into making the trigger better. It also has a lot of side to side slop.

New to me scope day. Hawke 2-7X32 Airmax, got a late afternoon start on mounting it on my 97K. After fiddling with the signature zee rings and different insert combinations, I got it dead on elevation and 2-1/2" to left of center at 40 yards, with the scope optically centered. I dialed in the windage and began shooting right before dark.
The reticle is much nicer for target shooting compared to the Vantage reticle....

Groups are decent for the first time out, I'll need to work on my head placement with the eyebox.

I did get a piece of four of the 1/4" dots, looks promising. Scope came with the sun shade, that was a nice bonus. Shout out to Vincent for the deal.

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This is close to the best time of the year

Sept and Oct. are bonus when all the bugs die. Weather is perfect. Can still get in the 90’s. Crow
Crow, question for you. I see you have a couple HW45s as your avatar. Why, you appear to be a rifle guy? I’ve been contemplating an HW 45 but being a klutz a finger pinch scared me off.
Crow, question for you. I see you have a couple HW45s as your avatar. Why, you appear to be a rifle guy? I’ve been contemplating an HW 45 but being a klutz a finger pinch scared me off.
Actually two Beeman’s a P1 and P11.
Good question. Now I’m gonna lose sleep.
But get the 45, I have one in .20 cal. Best pistols money can buy. Crow
I like the Beeman era, I should still have a couple of the colored Beeman catalogs somewhere, no telling where though..lol. They always had a really nice gun on the cover.
If you DO find one and they have a price listed for the 77K, I’d like to know what they were getting for one new back in the day.