What springer did you shoot today?

I threw a few 18.1 JSBs out there with the HW77K.
Gave me an idea, I should hang a plum bob from the tree over my target area to check my scope. I use the vertical line on my reticle when I shoot rather than the horizontal line for (cant).
did the same thing only i have a washer on the string 'plumb bob style' on the edge on the target stand , 4 inches left of the paper targets
Here's one I just found online from March of 1988
Looks like a long HW77 was $389.50 20cal.
View attachment 493235
Wow, thank you. Prices haven't gone up as much would have thought. Using an inflation calculator that $389 would be $1034 today.
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I did some backyard plinking today with my .20 cal HW97K & my HW45 also in .20 cal, also shot my sons super smooth HW98 in .22 cal, I love these Weihrauch AirRifles!
May I recomend adding the HW75 to your collection? You won't find one in .20 though.
They're crazy accurate, recoiless with an excellent trigger.
Thanks, it is. I should be back to normal at 12 weeks, I just got enough flexibility back to sit at the bench and lean forward a little. I have been practicing my standing shooting a lot lately, that is hilarious.
I have been there. Keep moving! I had excellent results. Great Surgeon and assistance along with awesome rehab . Almost made it to my 10 yr. anniversary. Broke the top of my femor in a fall. The epoxy held, was along summer.
today i shot my HW 77 long in .22 , confirmed that it needs to be toned down some , cronied @ 13.4 FPE , i want it more like 9 or 10 FPE ,so i stopped that and went to the old Sheridan .20 , sure wish i had it as a kid , cannot believe it is this accurate , so much fun i shot near 1/2 of a tin .
Today was 90 degrees out but no wind . Tomorrow and Sunday it will only be 74 as a high , luckily that will only last two days then back to more pleasant weather like mid 80's .
stan in KY.