Since you brought the subject upLarger bores tend to shoot smoother and a little more energy. Heavier pellets retain more energy and combined with the frontal area spells IMPACT.
I'm anxious to try lighter alloy pellets in my .25's (Webley Stingray and Tomahawk). Reduce trajectory and improve longer range shooting. .20 isn't the only cal. that's surrounded in myth. So is the .25.
I would consider an HW95 in .25. I already have them in .177 and .22 for many years. Just don't want one in the newerstock.
For the longest time, I would darn near scoff at the idea of a .25 spring gun. I told myself that they just had to be anemic.
Shooting .25 JSB Kings out of an Apache at 590 to 600 flipped on the light bulb for me. At 25 yards it is simply devastating. The math was there staring at me the whole time and I flat out did not recognize it. And to think, I am also a .45 ACP fan....... never made the connection.
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