Winter is my shooting time, never enough. Started afternoon with a HW95 .22. The perfect squirrel gun.
Never had to touch the scope, it was right on target. Up next a HW97 it .177. WOW Again I didn’t write down what I put in. But pretty sure 12fpe Vortek spring and piston seal. What a shooter, doesn’t get much better. Getting more of these 12 FPE kits. Love the thumbhole.
And last gun before dinner a HW90 .25.
Blasting a can with Hades at 35 yds. Crippling gun.
Hard to believe this was my most despised rifle ever.
Another passion I have is belts, the one on the left I got for Christmas with 3 others, liked them so much bought the 2 on right Christmas day. Just arrived today.
Excellent quality leather. These hold my pellet pouches. Crow
Hard to believe this was my most despised rifle ever.
Another passion I have is belts, the one on the left I got for Christmas with 3 others, liked them so much bought the 2 on right Christmas day. Just arrived today.
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