Guys a little bit of advice requested.
I love my pro sport in .22, beautiful airgun in walnut.
I had the .22 16joules (12fpe) and it was sold as the 17-18fpe full power..
Brought that back to the store and got the full power one..
However this thing cocks really heavy after a few shots and while its cycle is butter smooth, it definitely is loud for an airgun, def compared to the 12fpe i had mistakenly bought for a full power variant..
What would you guys do? Do your pro sports all run full power in .22?
I’m inclined to get a tx200hc as well and maybe get that one in .177 12fpe or just another .22 but then in 12fpe..
What are your thoughts here?
Edit: i don’t hunt. My idea was to shoot up to 50 yards comfortable with the full power, but it makes it a little bit less of a backyard friendly springer with the noise it makes..
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