Kim hasn’t shot since Hurley took her feet out from under her and hurt her shoulder. She picked today for her comeback, 35 mph wind gusts and all ha ha. Set her up at 20 yards with her .22 HW50 to shoot some reactive targets and she just nailed it from the start. Was shooting little 1/2” pieces of chalk left over after she shot the big target. Very nice. I shot my .22 HW95 and then long barrel .177 HW97K. Both fantastic guns, and I was really impressed with how the 97 handled the wind. Hits hard too. Not quite as hard as the Diana 56T/H, which also made a brief appearance today. Kim took a few shots with it to see what it was like, and I couldn’t resist taking a couple myself. Just so different to shoot. Scope is here, waiting on Accurized mount so I can really test it out.