What springer did you shoot today?

Well I shot the 97 in 20 again today. Earlier this evening my son and I were throwing clays for him to practice so I had plenty of chips to shoot out to 60 yds ! I grabbed my dove stool and sticks and had fun for about 30 minutes. I had my target at 30yds and shot this group off the chair and sticks before packing it up.
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I had a brief moment today so I shot about 15 pellets through this HW95. I shot at steel from about 15 yards to 60 yards. It was very pleasurable even if brief.

I had to put some carpet tape between the metal base and the pad to keep it from sliding around. It has a couple Velcro straps that secure the pad to the metal base.

I thought it was a bit spendy for what it is but I like it so far. I bought it this past July.
Great thanks I'm going to get mine and try it
Went up north today to my buddies range in the middle of no man’s land. It was cold and the wood stove was a necessity. So nice this time of year. The leaves are changed up here. Didn’t see 1 bug all day, bonus. Took the Webley Patriot Quattro .22
it’s launching JSB’s 15.89’s 874 fps.
I also shot my HW98 .177 at 75 yds. Both are 10+ shots.
Center circle, nickle size

this is a shot from the targets, looking at our shelter. He shoots more rim fire so targets are low.
Great day of shooting, winter not far off. Crow
Well I shot the 97 in 20 again today. Earlier this evening my son and I were throwing clays for him to practice so I had plenty of chips to shoot out to 60 yds ! I grabbed my dove stool and sticks and had fun for about 30 minutes. I had my target at 30yds and shot this group off the chair and sticks before packing it up.
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The city fathers would get their panties in a wad if I shot clay targets with shotty! But if their blood pressure gets too low they will succomb, yes, DIE! Maybe I should collect clay target pieces and scatter them about the back fence. HA! Take that hoity toities! And ten rounds of FTT for good measure. Be Well Brothers, dito.