N/A What sub $1000 .22 should I buy?

The Dreamline is a fine airgun for sure, one of the best. Smooth Twist barrels are fabulous.

For a compressor, go with a GX, like a CS2. Simple, robust, easy to care for and if maintained, will last a long, long time. No oil, no water cooling just good air when you need it.
Get a decent moisture filter and keep it and the fill line below the rifle when filling , so that the air goes up to the gun and the moisture will stay in the lines, filter whatever, should the filter fail to catch it all. It's not as complicated as it sounds at all.
The Dreamline is a fine airgun for sure, one of the best. Smooth Twist barrels are fabulous.

For a compressor, go with a GX, like a CS2. Simple, robust, easy to care for and if maintained, will last a long, long time. No oil, no water cooling just good air when you need it.
Get a decent moisture filter and keep it and the fill line below the rifle when filling , so that the air goes up to the gun and the moisture will stay in the lines, filter whatever, should the filter fail to catch it all. It's not as complicated as it sounds at all.
What type of filter? A link would be awesome.
What type of filter? A link would be awesome.
I sent you a link. It comes with a filter. As long as you switch the cotton inserts every till or two it'll be clean. If you got the tube dreamline you can do. 4-5 fills before swapping the insert. Btw the cs2 is the same as the spritech. It's the larger diameter gold thing at the end of the whip
If you are open to less than premium rifles you should look at the P35 or Stoeger Bullshark (about the same thing), the P35X, and the SPA M60B. They are in order of price with the range starting under $500 and the most expensive less than $700. So you could get a rifle and decent scope (or compressor) for under $1000. I have 3 P35s, all are accurate and have been reliable. The P35s are about 5 lbs, the Bullshark is 6 (stock is heavier), the P35X is also about 6 I think and the M60B is about 7 lbs with a carbon fiber bottle.

I have a Yong Heng compressor which is the least expensive compressor that will fill a SCBA bottle like my 45 minute used firemans bottle. You can fill guns with it and it will do it quicker than the little ones. But with some added cooling it will fill bottles in one run. I just filled mine from about 3100 to 300 bar in about 25 minutes yesterday and never exceeded 56 degrees C. I filled my P35-25 from zero today in a couple minutes. For filling a gun in reasonable humidity I think the little filter it comes with is OK. That's all I used today filling my gun and it had no noticable moisture in it when I checked. But for refilling my SCBA bottle I use an extra filter filled with color changing dessicant. I checked that after the bottle fill, which is at least the 6th since I last changed it and maybe 10% of the dessicant has changed color. I vent the compressor every 5 minutes of run time and that gets a lot of the water out. The only real drawback of the YH is it needs a cooling water source. Like a drywall bucket of water.
I'll tell you the truth, I've been really impressed with the Avenger. My buddy has one and the trigger can be reworked to a an absolutely fine trigger and it is a laser to shoot. Pretty amazing rifle.

Of course you can't rule out the Marauder, it's not got any flies on it either.

Then again, you could go used and probably pick up a Katran, or even a Dream Line. There's a lot out there if you look.