What was your most impressive shot?

I don't know about most impressive but this was my favorite. This rock squirrel was running on a narrow ledge on a rock face for a min while I watched and waited for him to stop. He never paused long so I didn't think I would actually get a shot, looked like he was on a mission to get somewhere. Finally after watching him run about 40-50 yards he took a long breather so I got my chance....and he wound up in my stew :)
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I'd have to go with four shots, four raccoons in a matter of minutes.
They were in a tree, 35 yards from me and about 30 to 40 feet up, dark of night and I had an attached red predator light on my Maverick.
All head shots, all fell without a peep to within a couple of feet of each other.
My first thought was great! I got all four of the varmits. My second thought was, I wish I had filmed those shots. Now I have a Zulus..........lol
Crow calling in woods behind house, stalked to under 25 yards but large branch fully obscured. At each call crow's head briefly appeared above branch before dropping back out of view. Timed calls and fired at nothing, head popped up in time for JSB 18.1 grain to connect. Taipan Veteran's sweet trigger much to thank, as anything. WM
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Woods walking as a kid, buddy and I startled a squirrel that decided to run diagonally toward us for some reason. At about 8yds, I hit it on the run with a scoped break barrel pellet rifle. DRT. I cannot imagine I used the glass; must have reaction pointed. Either way I’m sure it was all skill. ;)
Almost like what happened many moons back. I was driving the bakkie with a few friends with their .22LRs on the back. We saw a hare and they started shooting but every shot was a miss. The hare was for some reason running towards the bakkie. I jumped out with my LR shouting "shoot the damn thing" and just pointed my LR and fired. One dead hare. Everybody laughed, mostly because of embarrassment.
Starling at around 115 yards with an S410E. At the time I had been doing a lot of long range shooting with it and had it's trajectory perfectly plotted and had a laser range finder with me. I remember my dad telling me there was no way I could make that shot, but a little cloud of feathers appeared behind it and it dropped off of the branch it had been sitting on.