What’s a good slug for Huben K1 .22 caliber latest model

my 2024 k1 shoots the AVS .2193 34gr flat base slugs at almost moa.
I did have kelly switch the mag to a 2018 mag with the grooves that match the barrel (new mags only have 6 grooves, barrel is 12). the original mag was kind of garbage.
Since I can't get Peanuts, I too have been using AVS .2193 36g with very good ressults. I'm still experimenting.
Hi, i tried that magazine and am also. ended up switching back to the original magazine and I am shooting 26 grain AVS .223 at just shy of 1000 ft./s and it is shooting lights out. I did try the peanuts. Also they were too loose in the magazine and did not shoot well. I plan on shooting the gun again this week. I will send you pics of some groups.
I may be selling my 2023 K1 .22 caliber, it has the wood stock with carbon fiber shroud, i also have the 2018 extra magazine.
gun is in mint condition. if you guys know anybody interested. I didn’t post it yet because I keep going back-and-forth whether to sell it or not. I’ve been using my carbon fiber light 25 caliber more than anything. I have two of those one is set up for my night hunting with a thermal and then I have another one set up for daytime.
that shoots great also with 254 NSA’s 38.5 grain it’s running just shy of 1000 ft./s