What's on the top of your PCP rifle wish-list?

What's on the top of your PCP rifle wish-list?

Money is no object. If I may set but this restriction: Must be a stock, in-production, PCP rifle.

[ No wishing for the one carried by Lewis and Clark or or a '69 Sheridan Blue Streak. :) ]

As you can imagine, I have one in mind. Hopefully you'll share yours too!



Thanks for playing! Aim true.

Frank in Oregon
It was ( 6 months or so ago ) the RTI Prophet - .22 cal. Now that it's been released and some folks have them . . . mixed reviews - hoping that Steve at AEAC would get one and give it a thorough once over. Covid hasn't been kind to the mfg either as they've had a heck of a time getting product shipped and into the hands of resellers so . . . that hasn't helped.