N/A What’s the most efficient PCP hand pump today?

If your going to hand pump then just get a reliable pump that will last and can be rebuilt down the road if needed. Like a Hill hand pump. I hand pumped for 6 years. Hand a few pumps. Hill is the way to go based on what I have used. I now have a compressor and a bottle. Ill still use the pump every now and then. Currently have 2 hills and 1 fx pump.
Well right now I have a VEVOR I picked up for $30. Which is awesome considering you could spend that much on hoses and fittings. I get by on it. I am not paying for a compressor, but i would fork over + or - $200-$300 for the most efficient hand pump known. If I am shooting a gun, I am usually trying to kill something. So i won’t need a compressor.
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Vevor is the reason I have been hand pumping. I spit on the ground when see that name.
I will give them credit, they jacked me around on warranty until I gave up after 18 months.

My $60 4 brothers hand pumping still works like new after three years, and it came with a rebuild kit.

I won’t knock the Hill because I never had one. But the money for a expensive hand pump would be better spent on a GX CS3 for $300
I don’t know about warranty service, but I wouldn’t pay to ship a $30 hand pump. I will get by on it until I get something better.

I would not be averse to another el cheapo pump like that 4 brothers. All I can find after searching is a 4 uncles pump.

The available and affordability of PCP ‘s and equipment has gotten way, way better since I started fiddling around with pellet guns again.
I lean towards the Hill brand also. Utah air recommended them highly when I bought my first PCP from them. I still have the MKIV and have partially rebuilt
it . Now it's due for a total rebuild , just like me :rolleyes:. I did get a MKV when it came out so I could keep a pump in the vehicle when out. I'm on my third compressor , but I still hand pump a gun up most every day as part of my exercise ( yeah , I know I'm nuts) All mine have the air filters on them. BTW, I'm 67 & have had both shoulders & hips replaced , so if I can still do some pumping....
I don’t know about warranty service, but I wouldn’t pay to ship a $30 hand pump. I will get by on it until I get something better.

I would not be averse to another el cheapo pump like that 4 brothers. All I can find after searching is a 4 uncles pump.

The available and affordability of PCP ‘s and equipment has gotten way, way better since I started fiddling around with pellet guns again.
Ok, well Uncles are brothers…LOL
A good compressor is nice to have if you shoot a lot. Also a bottle to keep filled up. Makes for rapid fill ups. I dont mind pumping at all but when im shooting something semi/full auto that air goes pretty fast when messing around. Never even give the pump a chance to cool down at times. Heat can be hard on pumps if they get too hot. Hell I can spend more time pumping then shooting. I think pumps are great to have. Nice for camping trips for example because even a large tank will only get you so many fills. There are also the small portable compressors that can run on 12v/and/or/110. I personally have a larger compressor thats not so portable. This is where pumps are really handy for myself. I am considering picking up a portable compressor though for when I go out and about.

Something else to consider is that some airguns cannot be filled with a hand pump when there is no pressure in the tank. They need a quick shot of high-pressure air to set the valve. Some airguns you can get away with just cocking them to release the hammer spring pressure off the valve. And even in that case you usually still have to pump like a madman until the valve seats and seals up. Western airguns autos/semi-auto require that quick burst of air to hold any pressure for example. So a pump wont do it if that thing is empty. Also consider the size of the air tank and operating pressure of the airgun. A larger tank especially something with a bottle will take forever to fill with a hand pump. So these are things that someone might want to consider when not wanting to get a compressor/tank or both.

I understand why someone would not want to get a compressor. The price is insane for a good one then even more for something better. Something to consider is one of those yong heng compressors. They work and are only around $300. You can fill bottles with them also. It just takes forever. Direct fill on an airgun is not so bad. Also rebuildable. I know because I had one before I went ahead and got something else. Gave it to a buddy of mine. They get the job done. Seems to be plenty of fellow airguners on this forum who swear by them. So thats something to consider. You can also get decent size air tanks for around $100 on ebay but you will need to have a means to fill them. These tanks are expired according to DOT and un-usable. So you will not find any shop who fills tanks that will do them. Not going to get into that debate but you can look into SCBA tanks and all the debate about how long they are actually good for. Plenty of guys pick those up and I personally have not seen anyone have any issues with them based on reading around. Just take that with a grain of salt because this is just my take. I dont know jack.
I don’t know about warranty service, but I wouldn’t pay to ship a $30 hand pump. I will get by on it until I get something better.

I would not be averse to another el cheapo pump like that 4 brothers. All I can find after searching is a 4 uncles pump.

The available and affordability of PCP ‘s and equipment has gotten way, way better since I started fiddling around with pellet guns again.
I've noticed the same thing, so I'm looking to jump back in again. These discussions of hand pumps have me interested.